Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Dark Warriors;

Jedi Hunter DarkHawk Reporting

Squadron Report #9

Only the scheme of totality and the Dark Side determine our destiny...those who oppose us, their destiny lies in our hands..EMBRACE THE DARKNESS.

Going to be a bit busy week

Dark Brotherhood News

FTF Comp

Just a note about the competition I just started. You MUST read the rules page before you play any games. It's not a typical comp in reguards to the JK playing. Therefore, go read there and have fun.

OBM Sharad Hett/OHC (mucho other garbage)

"If god made us in the form of himself why

do some people have such small penises?"



Feel The Force Competition

As he hefted his saber up and flicked on the blade, a sense of wonder overcame him. The saber is so elegant and gorgeous he thought to himself. How could a Jedi master the force in such a way to be able to use this small swordlike weapon to block blaster bolts faster than the eye can see? As the young apprentice walked down the corridors of the Academy he was glad to be given a chance to fulfill his dreams of becoming a Jedi. He knew that the journey would be tough, but he was confident that he would succeed and he was ready for the task.

Well I've finally finished all the coding, so now it's time to start it. The comp consists of all types of multiplayer JK, editing, and graphics. Therefore, it's time you checked it out at

All Orders may participate. Email either your house summit(s) (if you're Obelisk), my staff, or me with your id line to get added.

OBM Sharad Hett/OHC (mucho other garbage)

"If god made us in the form of himself why

do some people have such small penises?"



Announcements - Emissary

1) It is my pleasure to welcome Consul Alex to the AoC. Hopefully he will bring a much needed boost to his clan.

2) The Transfer Proposal has been revised again to include more acceptable reason to transfer out of a House/Clan. A vote should be called today and put into a vote.

3) If you have any idea that you think the AoC should hear, feel free to email your Consul or Proconsul and have them forward the idea up to us.

Dark Side Adept Maverick

Emissary of the Assembly of Consuls


Prelude to Andevia is still going. the mission to fly is XwA FCHG 2. Please contact me for details, I am currently participating, I would liek to see all of you participate as well.

Squadron News

I work with CM Mycroft on a cool project if you would like to check it out please go to:

I neglected to mention that Jedi Hunter Gidda won first place in the Sithy Clause contest. I realize this is overdue but recognition is well deserved. COGRADS!

Please remember to fly Tie DB 5. it is due this Friday. If you cannot fly please contact me and let me know.

I would liek to see all of us doing a little recruiting to bring in new members to the Squad. I will offer a very fair reward to those who bring in a new member in next 30 days

Also I am taking volunteers to setup and design DB XwA missions. I have a few plotlines written and would like someone(s) with better skills than I to lay it out in the mission form. I am asking for all you has mission design knowledge, please contact me ASAP if you would like to help.

Merit system

As you may know we have a merit system in the house. Basically you get different amount points for different activities and when you get enough pts you can exchange them for a medal. OK I think I have the merit system worked out. If my numbers are wrong please let me know so we can update them.

Activity Records : (+merit points are from the Clan Comp last month, 14 points for participating, 5 per pilot file, 3 per fiction sub, bonuses for scoring in top 6 overall)

CMDR Jedi Hunter DarkHawk

FM (1-3) JH Gidda ( 132+ 14+5+5+5+3+2+1 = 167 )

FL (2-1) JH Ari ( 27 +14+5+5+3 = 54 )

FM (2-2) PRT Toran Dan

FM (2-3) PRT Lirak Kalist

FM (2-4) TBA

FM (3-4) TBA

I still need to get some of the points updated because this is a total from a past report I will work on those totals this week and have a updated one in next report

House/inner clan comps:

*Base participation points (any participation at all): 8 points

*Submission of a pilot file: 5 points per platform (5 for TIE, 5 for XvT, 5 for XWA)

*Submission of graphics, fiction: 3 points per sub

*Multiplayer matches: 2 base points (whether you flew 1 match or 100) + 2 points for each victory.

Penalty for not taking part and not being excused: -15

Clan and DB lvl comps:

*Base participation points (any participation at -all-: 14 points

*Submission of a pilot file: 5 points per platform (5 for TIE, 5 for XvT, 5 for XWA)

*Submission of graphics, fiction and the like: 3 points per sub

*Multiplayer matches: 2 base points (whether you flew 1 match or 100) - 2 points for each victory.

extra points for quality (this only clan and DB wide comps):

*If you get 1st or 2nd place overall: 3 additional points/ 5 for DB wide comp.

*If you get 3rd or 4th place overall: 2 additional points/4 for DB wide comps.

*If you get 5th or 6th place overall: 1 additional point/3 for DB wide comps.

Penalty for not taking part and not being excused: -25

Other merit points awards

*Completion of an DB battle +1/mission

*Creation of a DB battle +35

*Creation of a DB mission +15

*Run-on story or submission (at least 2 paragraphs) +1

*Completing an Shadow Academy course +15

*Fun (e.g the come up with a line for this picture comp) comp submission +2

DC - 60 Merit pts

WC - 150 Merit pts

SC - 300 Merit pts

Activity Report

CMDR/JH DarkHawk:

Busy on IRC

Submitted two Graphics

Selected in Project Hawkeye as Officer #3

Writing plot lines for DB XwA Missions

Participating in Prelude to Andevia

Flew XwA FCHG 2

Jedi Hunter Ari:

Reported in

Jedi Hunter Gidda

Reported in

Flew Tie 111

Guardian Lirak Kalist

Not reported in

Protector Toran Dan

Reported in

If anyone want to get a better looking ATR they are free to mail me every week with a list of everything they done (DB related of course) since there's things I might not know of. Good day to mail on is Saturdays since the report is going out on Sundays.

That's it for this week, tell me if I missed anything and it'll be corrected at once.

Jedi Hunter DarkHawk


Delphian Squadron

JH Dark Hawk (Sith)/CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto {SA: CORE}

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