Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Ronin of Alvaak

Report #1

AED Frey Gallandro

Dark Greetings !

I`m the new AED of House Ronin.

You all should know me, i`m the former Black Omega Battleteam Leader.

After Malik resigns from the position as Quastor got Keldorn this honourable position.

Our main objective is at the moment to get the House and the Clan on its way back to Elite. This will not be easy and we will fail without your help. Main objective must be to get some members in and let them stay. If anyone of you dont wanna help to rebuild the House he should go now. I dont wanna accept any longer "jumpers" who join us and 2 days later they leave. We are still planning the next steps and it will need some time more, the only thing i can ask you is to stay tuned and not get bored.

Thats my personal point of view.


DJK Keldorn got QUA

JH Frey Gallandro got AED

Position as Rollmaster is still open, you have to send your applications to Keldorn and me.


DJK Entar leaves us


so far no really activity


there is a Run On on the Alvaak Messageboard

nothing else for the moment


House Information:

    Clan: Alvaak



     Alere Flammas

    Message Board:

    Order: Sith


     Dark Jedi Knight Elminster Keldorn [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]


     Jedi Hunter Frey Gallandro [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]



Reports:  | Quaestor (4) | Aedile (0) | Rollmaster (6) |

    Attached Battle Teams:

     Black Omega

House Roster:     Members




Dark Jedi Primarch


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Dark Jedi Knight

Elminster Keldorn

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Dark Jedi Knight


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Jedi Hunter

Frey Gallandro

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Ekim Yellek

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Ison Belsavis

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Logan Kale

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Qui Nero

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I don`t wanna order you something at the moment, but i want to know more about your personal views.

I want to ask you to write me a short mail, include what you want to see happening here, why you joined Alvaak and why you joined the DB, it also would be nice when you could include your TC ID Line, so i know where i can find you all.

Last but not least, we have a channel on IRC #Alvaak, come and bring some live in it !

Thats it for the moment.

Take care, and my darkness prevail !

JH Frey Gallandro (Sith)/AED/Ronin of Alvaak

CMDR/CM Frey Gallandro/Nemesis/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

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