Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>


We don't need so stinking Introduction.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • New House Summit

  • Kings of Tomorrow Results

  • Kings of Tomorrow Tie-In Squadron Competition

  • CrimsonAngel's Flying Contest Results

  • Lost One, Gained One

  • Squadron Barracks

  • Flight Information

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>FRESSH NEWS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - New House Summit

Alright, order has been somewhat restored in the fortress. Newly appointed and newly promoted Scithe is now are new Quaestor and my partner in crime CrimsonAngel is are new Aedile. This is a new era for the house, lets all help it be a legendary one!

#002 - Kings of Tomorrow Results

You've all seen them by now. Not very good, but we had one very bright spot, PRT DujHoD performed extremely well. I am very impressed and hope to see more.

#003 - Kings of Tomorrow Tie-In Competition

DJK Janos Silverwulf started this comp in my "absence" and it was to reward the top three pilots of Diamond. But as we had only one pilot participate in KoT, PRT DujHoD is once again rewarded.

For being the top pilot in Diamond squadron, he is rewarded with the House's Badge of Glory and with the 20 promotion points that come along with it. Congrats DujHoD!

#004 - CrimsonAngel's Flying Contest Results

January's results are out and as with the theme of this report, Congrats to PRT DujHoD!

DujHoD came in first place and will receive a nice shiny new Dark Cross. Our own GRD Nakata, who is always a participant in this comp, placed tied for fourth.

And for the third time.....Congrats DujHoD! :P

#005 - Lost One, Gained One

Talon Draygo left us and went Rogue, but to fill his place is none other than Sith Warrior Malik. If you don't know him, consider yourself lucky, but he won't be silent long. :P

Welcome to Diamond Malik!

#006 - Squadron Barracks

I have updated them with what I have, if you don't see something send it to me. Lets fill up the barracks with the talent of Diamond.

#007 - Flight Information

Something I tried to do once but didn't get any responses, but our Flights need Nicknames and Mottos. So Flight Leaders get to thinking and Flight Members lets hear some ideas. The winning ideas will get rewarded in some manner.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>STANDING ORDERS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Prelude to Anderia

#002 - Other various tasks can be found on the squadron website.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>CURRENT ROSTER</td> </tr> </table>

CMDR/SW Bob-Fett

FM/JH Lelio/Diamond 1-2

FM/SW Den Darkhill/Diamond 1-3

FM/PRT DujHoD/Diamond 1-4

FL/JH Sancho/Diamond 2-1

FM/Open Position/Diamond 2-2

FM/SW Malik/Diamond 2-3

FM/Open Position/Diamond 2-4

FL/GRD Nakata/Diamond 3-1

FM/GRD Myrrkal Mysticsith/Diamond 3-2

FM/ACO Raxell/Diamond 3-3

FM/PRT Marcus Caine/Diamond 3-4

That is all!

SW Bob-Fett(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow


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