Seneschal Report


Seneschal Report


Greetings all, it's been a rather busy week, but I'll try not to forget anything in this little report. :>

Basically, I have far too much to type out elaborately, so i'm just going to catergorize and sum up.

New Features:

<li>Remember ID checkbox on login form

<li>New mailouts for Medals,Promos,Demotions,SA Courses,Transfers,name changes,order changes,email changes, etc.

<li>Transfer requests send an email to everyone necessary the minute a member submits one.

<li>Review pending medal requests, pending promo requests page

<li>Review pending personal requests page

<li>ID-Lines are completely updated, including society membership and all medals.

<li>Clan Summits can post news

<li>Clan/House Summits have complete control over their battle teams.

<li>Clan/House Summits have complete control over house and battle team members.

<li>SA admin system restructured to match new guidelines.

<li>New security system

<li>New medal recc. system

<li>Even cleaner code :P

What's being worked on:

<li>Competition center & Events calendar

<li>SA Graduates reports

<li>SA Flushing

<li>The holocron

Well, that just about covers it I think.

You all should notice that one of the items on the above list is the Holocron. NOTICE TO ALL DARK COUNCIL, this will be the last week that you will get to use the "Announcements" Feature. By my next report, it will be gone. It is being replaced by the Online reports system, and the Holocron. All you'll need to do is post your report, and It will be mailed for you automatically with the rest of the holocron. This means that if any of the current DC members aren't on the Holocron mailing list, sometime in the next week would be a good time to sign up.

The new holocron system is going to allow the CONs of Clans to post special notices in the weekly holocron as well, a feature I'm sure everyone will like. It will also archive them on the site on a weekly basis. This little ordeal will free up the news page for items that are actually "news" :P This has become more important now that CONs/PCONs have the ability to post news.

More to come, see you all next week!


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