Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hello, all, and apologies for a late report... on Wednesday of last week I fried my modem as well as the PCMCIA slot that my laptop uses. So, I need to take a Leave of Absence for the period of one week - until March 17. Meantime, Cymbre is Acting QUA and what she says goes =) Look also to your Tetrarchs, and senior House members if you need anything else. Again, I apologize for the trouble this causes you but hope you all understand this was out of my control. I am checking email as often as I can at terminals at the library, Kinko's, wherever, so I should be accessible via email if you guys need anything, I just won't be checking every minute like I usually do.

Again, apologies to all about the inconvenience. To everyone in the House, Mav and Cooch, and especially my student Loor - I'm not sure what I'll be able to help with in the upcoming Master-Student comp but do your best and hopefully I will be back in time to participate in SOMEthing...

Mai - I didn't get a chance to compile your weekly activity report so apologies for that. Maybe Cym or Loor (he usually does 'em so he should know) can get one in on the 16th.

The Tetrarch of DF will be announced by CYM shortly. Sorry for the delay, DF.

That's all I can think of for now. See you guys in one week!


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