Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

  1. For his exceptional service as Consul, Tarkin has been promoted to Sith Battlelord. Congratulations!

  2. This weekend and following week, I'll be looking long and hard at some sections of the DSC. Some parts will most likely have rewrites that some people won't like. Some parts will be removed outright. This is just the way things go.

  3. I did a quick reports and website audit just today and will be talking to the Grand Master about the results. When submitting reports, either emailing them to the proper persons or submitting them online isn't enough. You must do both.

  4. Most of the marking for Prelude to Andevia has been done. All I need to do are the custom missions and runons (yah). Hopefully, that will be done by the end of the weekend.

  5. Get JK2! It rocks!

<font color="#FFFFFF"> XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign


DJP Astatine (Krath)/DGM



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