Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings all,

Okay not a lot to get through this week so I will keep it short and sweet.


As you are all aware ACO Nelson is the new rollmaster for House Cestus, and so that he is able to track your activity so that he can report it too me you need to send him a weekly activity report stating what you have done throughout the week.

Tell him everything that you have done that involves the DB.

I want these personal reports to reach ACO Nelson every Wednesday so that he can submit his report to me by Thursday.

A note to ACO Nelson I need these reports by Thursday so I can include the information in my report to the clan summit.


The roster currently stands at 7 members.

  1. OW Gyffon

  2. OW Ziguarath - QUA

  3. DJK Darkov - AED

  4. JH Blackhero

  5. JH Gelton Torr - SGT

  6. ACO Daryan

  7. ACO Nelson - Rollmaster

We still need to recruit more members so lets get out there and get them to join the 3rd Obelisk House of the Brotherhood.


Okay I sent a mail out a while ago with regards to signing you up to the Spectre of the Past ladder and only two of you responded we need more players if this competition is going to happen, I will also be asking the whole clan who have JK or JK 2 if they would like to join the ladder, as this is our bread and butter I expect everyone to sign up for the above competition.

Tomorrow is the OHC's JK Tourney in the IRC channel #Obelisk, the competition starts at 3:00 pm EST I will expect to see you all there or I will be quite dissapointed to say the least.

The Tourney is supporting both the old JK and the new so there should be no excuses.

I have informed the rest of the clan of the tourney and I will be logging who attends so that I can inform there various order leaders who attended.

While I am on the subject of competitions I was made aware recently that members of the clan were disciplined because of cheating in the EH. I will not be naming those involved but sufficient to say that if any Obeliskers from Cestus are caught cheating they will be dealt with severely.

I am sure that none of you will so thats all I will say on the matter.


As you may or may not read the GMRG has a new commander, the new commander is OBM Sithspawn.

We now have our own mailgroup as you should be all aware by now, thanks DJK Darkov for setting this up.

Okay thats all I have for this week I will see you all tomorrow in #Obelisk ready for the Tourney lets get in there and have fun.

OW Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum SC/DC/(BN)CF {SA:CORE- CH}

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