Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Another week is going to end, and another week with my weekly report. Sit(h) down and lister what your beloved QUA has for you =)

DB News:

1) The weekly JK and JK2 tournament will be hosted as usuall in #Obelisk by the OHC and his minions ( hey that count me as well damn.. =P ) and it will start at 3 PM EST ( or 8 pm GMT for european like me ), I hope to see more of you this time.

2) GREAT, a couple of tools for skinning and mapping JK2 has been released by Raven soft, if anyone interested go and download here http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=145

3) The Sith Wars begone but.. well.. who cares =P

4) I know, none of you has signed up for it but I want to mention it anyways, the Krath Combat Operation Center opened his doors but only 4 guys of Alvaak signed up BOOO !! ( BTW it was me, SWL Nightflyer, GRD Clara and GRD Li Mu Bai )

Clan News:

1) Actually, nothing really happens this week except the Clan comp NO ONE is partecipating in... remember there are 2 ladders for us to play, I don't like to repeate myself sooooooo... if in my next report I should write something like this again, you'll be ALL in huge trubles.

2) That's suppose to go in the DB news, but I though to put it here. A new IRC policy has been decided, from now on only summits, DC members, the SO and the COMM has the right of ops in our channels. So no more playing with ops =P

House News:

1) Our lovely AED is working on a master/student program, this will help you guys reach DJK faster ( looks at Seph, Bryan and Dirius )

2) As for the Clan comp, there are 2 ladders here as well and like above, you'll be really sorry if I don't see some improvment in it.

3) I'm waiting the approval of the DGM for the next month's comp, as I announced last week, I took into consideration even those who can't play MP matches and SO.. I expect an high partecipation rating.

4) That's just a kindly reminder rather than an actuall news, each member ( DJK above ) with a lightsaber is supposed to have a purple blade as it has been tradition for long time, so please go and change it.


1) House JK-JK2 ladder.

2) Clan JK-JK2 ladder.

3) The Clan Run on is running somehow smothly but I'd like to see some entries from you guys, if I can post with my crappy english, anyone can heh http://www.ehnet.org/mb/mb.php?action=topics&forum_id=14&days=7 .

4) Recruiting, I think that's clear enough right ?



NOV Sephiroth to ACO for his constant activity lvl and for spanwing me and Khal with his screenshots heh GRATZ !!!


Well.. 2 and both for me, a DC for my hard work and a CF for winning in the last week JK ladder hosted by the OHC.. why don't you try to do the same ?? =P

Activity Record :

Warrior Ace

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None this week.

Warrior Jacob Van Nowak

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Warrior Mell

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Still with with internet problems, hope to have you back soon.

Dark Jedi Knight Exar Khaland

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Performing all his AED menial tasks.

Protector Dirius

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Acolyte Bryan

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None this week.

Novice Sephiroth

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Playing all the matches he can.

AED Report:

House Auctoritas of Alvaak Summit:

Quaestor: Warrior Khan

Aedile: Dark Jedi Knight Exar Khaland

RollMaster: Acolyte Bryan

Alpha Iota SGT: Acolyte Bryan


Greetings Brothers,

A weeks passed as me as Aedile, and I suppose (Under no threats at all) that I should send out a report.

This week seen Novice Sephiroth being promoted to Acolyte. CONGRATS!

Sephiroth was the only one to bother sending in screenshots constantly this week, So it is a well deserved promotion, Keep it up.

Two medals awarded this week, Both to our QUA. Khan picked up a Cluster of Fire and a Dark Cross, Way to go Boss.

I'm currently working on an Obelisk Master/Student program, that should help members get DJK faster. With 2 New recruits on the way we could use it to keep up activity.

I'm also up for Ideas for any in-house comps. Its hard for the Obelisk to prove constant Activity. Sith can fly and send in many .TFRs and PLTs, Krath can write stories, poem, Songs, ETC, But we only have JK and JKII.


Aedile Rampage Comp.. Detail released soon.

New Alvaak Page is in production.

erm........ Thats it :)

Have a nice day!


Dark Jedi Knight Exar Khaland

Aedile of House Auctoritas

DJK Exar Khaland (Obelisk)/AED/House Auctoritas of Alvaak,


FM-AMB/CM Exar Khaland/Hornet 3-2/WIng XV/ISD Vanguard

BS/ISMx4/IS-1PW/LoC-ISx10/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [KNIGHT] [Marksman 4th]



Rank Name Email

Warrior Ace [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Mell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight Exar Khaland [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Protector Dirius [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Acolyte Bryan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Novice Sephirith [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


OW Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak





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