Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Pandragon Squadron Report #001

ACO Sandor Clegane reporting in for Pandragon Squadron on May 03, 2002:


 I have been settling into my office, and getting things organized. Expect a competition coming up soon (other than the current House/Sith Comps). If you have not checked in yet, do it as soon as possible.   

 I plan on implementing a few ideas over the next few weeks.  The first is going to be Pandragon Ace of the Week and Ace of the Month.  The most active pilot will be awarded the Ace award.  This will be a total activity decisionÂ…in other words flying is not all that counts.  Staying active in emails, on message boards, graphics design, etc.  

 I would also like to implement a Squadron XO and OPS position.  The Flight Leader of Flight II will be the XO; they will assist me with the Squadron, and be A-CMDR if I am on leave or such.  The Flight III leader will be the Squadrons Operations Officer, and will be responsible for setting up Competitions.  Flight Leaders will be expected to file weekly Flight Reports, that should be sent to me and the members of their Flight a day or so before my Squadron report (which will be posted every Friday).  Any who want to apply, just send me a QUICK application explaining which Flight you want (and if also interested in other FL spot if do not get the one you want J), and why I should pick you.   

Squadron Website is not completed, but it can be viewed at:  

There is also a message board linked from the Squad Site.


CMDR/ACO Sandor Clegane

  • Promoted to Sith Commander of Squadron, working on several Squadron Ideas

  • Started design of website

FM/PRT Nurel Sako Turr

-Has checked in and flown for the comps currently going on.


  • Checked in and flown for Comp

FM/PRT Ponda Jarret

  • No Contact, please report in!!!

FM/GRD Wes Combat

  • No Contact, please report in!!!


I am glad and honored to be CMDR of Pandragon. I know that we can be a Squadron to be feared if we set our minds to it. I will be looking into completing the Squadron Website soon. Lets try and post on the Squad and Houses/Clans Message Boards.


Pandragon Squadron


1) ACO Sandor Clegane ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

2) PRT Nurel Sako Turr ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

3) JH X ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

4) PRT Ponda Jarret ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])


1) TBA

2) TBA

3) TBA

4) TBA


1) TBA

2) TBA

3) GRD Wes Combat ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

4) TBA

Total: 5

In Darkness,

ACO Sandor Clegane (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona


PIN# 1337

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