Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

This week's report includes what I call the Chancellor's Edict. This is a new set of guidelines and definitions that EVERYONE must know. In addition to posting it here, I have put it on the news page and personally sent it to all the Consuls, Proconsuls, Quaestors, Aediles and Battle Team Leaders. Remember: If you disregard these guidelines, you're going to irritate me; you DON'T want to irritate me.

Anyway, the Edict:

The following regulations and guidelines are herein enacted by order of the Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood, in agreement with the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master:

For all medals above and including the Steel Cross, the amount of time the person has served in their position must be included in the recommendation.

When giving medals for a competition, the reason for recommending the award MUST include either the competition URL or details about the competition.

For all medals above and including the Steel Cross, all recommendations must include a few sentences on why the awardee deserves the award.

For the Steel Cross and the Grand Cross of the Dark Side, at LEAST one (1) specific example citing the person's abilities or contributions. This may be either on the House level or Clan level.

For the Sapphire Blade and the Ruby Scepter, at LEAST two (2) specific examples citing the person's abilities or contributions. These examples may be either on the Clan or Order level, though a combination is preferred.

For the Emerald Dagger and Diamond Sword, at LEAST three (3) specific examples citing the person's abilities or contributions are required. These examples may either be on the Order or Brotherhood-wide level, although a combination of all levels is preferred.

In the event that a medal is rejected due to violating these guidelines, it is the responsibility of the RECOMMENDER to re-recommend the award with the requested information.

When referring to the terms “DB-wide,” “Order-wide,” and other miscellaneous terms in regards to a competition, the following restrictions are now imposed:

The term “competition” herein encompasses ALL Vendettas (Rites of Supremacy, Great Jedi War, Clan Feud) and any other activity that requires the creativity, participation and submission of materials by the membership.

A Brotherhood-wide competition is one in which ALL Orders are participating in a single competition directed by the Main Body of the Dark Council.

An Order-wide competition is one in which ALL Houses of the respective Order are engaged in a single competition directed by their Order Leader.

A Clan-wide event is one in which ALL Houses of their respective Clan are engaged in a single competition as directed by their Clan Summit.

A House-wide event is one in which ALL Phyles/Brigades/Squadrons of a House are engaged in a single competition directed by their House Summit.

A Battle Team-wide event is one in which ALL Battle Team members are engaged in a single competition as directed by their Battle Team Leader.

The conferment of Novas as an award for winning a competition may only be given through a Brotherhood-wide competition. The exception of this is a Clan Feud, as it is a clash of all three Orders of differing Clans (thus Novas may be given). In all other cases, Crescents must be used as the award.

Heed this Edict well. And now, on a lighter note, the high awards given this week:

Medal Requested: Sapphire Blade (SB)

Requested for: SBL Ricardo

The request was made by: KAP Shadonyx [for SWL Drako]

Medal Requested: Grand Cross of the Dark Side (GC)

Requested for: KE Cuchulain

The request was made by: KAP Shadonyx [for DA Maverick]

Medal Requested: Grand Cross of the Dark Side (GC)

Requested for: OW Ziguarath

The request was made by: OWL Sharad Hett

All of the requests were excellent, and these are three truly stellar officers. Congratulations once more!

<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top"><font face="Verdana" color="#9400D3">Shadow Adept/Archpriest Shadonyx,<font color="#000080"> Chosen of Shar</font>
Chancellor and Oracle of the Dark Brotherhood

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