Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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Here we go again. Little short one this week, since I'm 

an official JK2 Addict. :P

None this week

None this week

DJK Crix Madine to SW (w00t!)
NOV Drak to PRT (pending)
NOV Morpheus to PRT (pending)

SE to DJK Coranel Both
DC to SW Rexal Qel
GCr to GRD Darkfinn, DJK Coranel Both, SW Crix Madine, DJK Ninj, SBM Flech, GRD Kevin Pryde
SCr to GRD Darkfinn and SW Crix Madine
LSS to SBM Flech

-=QUA Escort Points=-
SM: 150
Hype: 660
CV: 0
(Yes, this was taken from Crix's report. What else do you want me to do? :P)


Yes, I will get off my lazy arse and run some competitions as soon as the Sith Wars wrap up. Until then, the SW's are your absolute priority.

-=Final Thoughts=-

Not alot this week. We finally have an app for CV, so 

this will essentially be your last week to get them in. Once we get our CMDR installed, we'll start putting people back into CV. Whoever goes into CV better be prepared to help rebuild a fledging Squadron, and make it one of our best again. SP Stuff for the Sith Wars comes out shortly, or so I hear. We're kind of getting killed on the ladders, so if we could possibly get everyone out and flying, the House leadership would much appreciate it. :)

I think thats it. If anyone wants to see anything in 

these reports, please e-mail it to me.


<div> <table cellspacing="0" bordercolordark="#333333" cellpadding="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#0d0d22" bordercolorlight="#999999" border="2"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Lieutenant Colonel Wes Janson</td></tr></tbody></table> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="center" width="1">Lieutenant Colonel </td> <td> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tbody> <tr valign="bottom"> <td>([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - "The Wrench, Eight Ball"</td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>WC-ENV/LC Wes Janson/<font color="#00a6dd">Wing XIII</font>/<font color="#00a6dd">ISD Grey Wolf</font>
SS/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx4/MoI-BC/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-2BR-2SW-1SR-1PR/LoC-PSx138/DFC-SWx14/MoC-1BoC-1SoC-1GoC/CoS/CoL/CoB/OV [ARCN]

{IWATS-AIM-ASP-BX-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-LIN-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XML-XTM-XTT} </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

**DJK Hawk Falcone (Sith)/AED/Archanis of Taldryan

<font color="black">DC-KC/(GN)/(BN)/CF/(LSS)


Commander Janson
IWTAC/CM Janson/IWCS-5/MC-60 Warhammer/IW/EH


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