Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Well the AED's comp for Sub-Zero has started and already one pilot has sent in submissions. As the days past, I hope to see more submissions.

On the subject of the Shadow Academy, it would appear that a change has occured in the matter of graduation. Previously, graduates who completed the 3 sections would be promoted to the rank of Protector (PRT) once they have finished.

Now it seems they are promoted to Novice (NOV) which isnt much considering it's the 2nd lowest rank, but thats my opinion.

With our low numbers, I strongly urge everyone to keep an eye out for possible recruits. Please check to see if they are a member of another House of Clan. I know it's legal, but if we start poaching members away, it could cause problems. Recruiting from non-DB members and Rogues is allowed and I would prefer you do so.

For those of you in either the IW or TC, you can check to see if any of your fellow squadron members are in the DB by using the Search Roster option.

HammerHead BattleTeam has been closed for the time being, making us the only Sith House with one active BattleTeam. If I see anyone celebrating that fact, I'll assign them to clean up after MD's cursed monkeys :P

Yes that's right, GRD Murkrow Defender is back. A patrol sent a warning just as he landed so welcome back, MD!

The results from our comp against House Oriens Obscurum came in and unfortunately, we lost. The final results were:

Oriens - 37 pts

Tridens - 22 pts

Submissions for each section were:

TIE Fighter-

Oriens - 6

Tridens - 3


Oriens - 3

Tridens - 1


Oriens - 1

Tridens - 5

If anyone is still thinking about joining a battleteam, but hasnt because of flying problems (for whatever reason), you can join. All AED comps have non-flying components in them and if anyone wants to send in an idea, buzz me.

Survey will be coming around next week. I would appreciate any responces you can give.

Oh as my little part to make House Tridens a more active part of Clan Tarentum, I'm including the CON, PROCON, and QUAs and AEDs to this email.

If I missed anything or you wish to announce anything, let me know. That goes for everyone receiving this email!

SW Torres (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum,




"Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, cause Kansas is going bye bye." </bow>

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