Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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  _**AED/SW Kyle Katarn **_

  _**is reporting in for **_

  _**House Ronin **_

  _**on 2002-05-12 **_

  **House Ronin News**


    SBM Frey Gallandro is new PCON. Congratz!


    We rocked in Sith Wars (Frey's Mail was already 

Black Omega News


    Nothing new

Harbinger News


    GRD Renar won the Trivia Comp of Harninger. He knew 
    10 of 10 Questions and was awarded a DC

**Member Center:

**_Medals awarded:_

  - GRD Rendar --&gt; DC

Promotions earned:

  - SW Frey Gallandro --&gt; SBM 

  - JH Daniel Goad --&gt; DJK

Transfers (in/out):

  - none



    Sith War Single Player Event has been delayed!


    Ronin vs. Oriens Obscurum Comp in workout!


Primary: Prepare for Sith War SP Event

_Secondary: _Use the E-Group for communication  

_Tertiary: _Recruit new members    

**<span style="COLOR: #ff3333"><font size="3">
SW Kyle Katarn (Sith)/AED/</font></span><font size="3"><span style="COLOR: blue">[<span style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: blue">Ronin</span>](
</span><span style="COLOR: #ff3333">of </span><span style="COLOR: blue">
<span style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: blue">Alvaak</span>](</span>  

</font>**<font size="3">  (SE)/DC-KC-O/(BN)/(SCr)/CF/(DSS)  

{SA: CORE-CH-O:KS-O:KGS}</font>

Dossier: 41

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