Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Marka Ragnos Weekly Report #6 May 18th, 2002

From the desk of the Quaestor

Not alot going on, except that I'm doing the reports differently this week. If it works out well, it'll be the way that reports are done from now on. I have sent an email to 30 high ranking rogues telling them about our house and attempting to recruit them. So far, I've gotten 1 reply. From a KAP who plans to rejoin our house in about a month or so depending on his RL schedule. On a sadder note, JH Ghost Angel is on an extended leave until September due to her not being able to get internet access where she will be.

I've had a relatively quiet week which is not a good thing. My desk should be covered in either promo reccomendations or award reccomendations, or I should be getting fiction entries to keep me amused. Tetrarchs, I want you to motivate your phyles and get them doing things.

That's about it I guess, it's been a slow week; now onto the other reports...

House News

From the desk of the Aedile

Nothing big this week, same old stuff. I've been keeping track of everyone's points. Remember if you want credit I have to know that you did something.

We have the same old stuff going on.....Krath Monthly Topic and House Run On's. The summit is working on a big competition between the phyles, so TET's get ready.

I'll be on leave from the 16th to the 20th, then I'll be around a little until the 23rd, then gone again until the 28th. So I'll be in and out for the next two weeks.

Another pat on the back to DJK Banys for his JK2 wins. I wouldn't mind to see some other awards being handed out among the house.

And finally, I have applied for the position of Quaestor of our Obelisk house; Primus Goluud. What will happen....I don't know, I guess we just have to wait and see. So any Aedile wannabe better start to kiss J'Rai's @ss a little. :P

The Aedile that put the fun back in dysfunctional,


From the desk of the Rollmaster

Sorry I'm a day late. I was going to do this yesterday, but I got busy and didn't have time. Plus the fact that my HTML template is at school, so this is going to ge a report that takes 5 minutes to do before I go back to work on my last school paper for public schooling. Yay me!

New Things

Grand Cross of the Dark Side - DJK Elminster Keldorn

Legion of the Scholar - KP J'Rai

2x Cluster of Fire - DJK Tomaas Banys

Again, I forgot and have to get back to work now. On Monday I'm going to be putting this in the full report template which I'll be putting on DJB.org.

A Very Hurried GRD Kant Lavar

From the desk of the Tetrarch of the Night Hawks


Battle Team Night Hawks

House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow

Weekly Phyle Report #18

Our Quill, the Stars; Our Inkpot, the Night. Night Hawks.



DATE: Saturday, May 18, 2002

AUTHOR: DJK Tomaas Banys


1/ I have updated the Phyle info on the darkjedibrotherhood.org with actual info.

2/ Welcome back to Kano, welcome to Rae-Won Kai!!!

3/ Episode II rocks, I've been to it twice, going to visit the movies for the third time!

Poetry Corner


The stars have doubled their efforts

Whispering forgotten words

Do not be afraid

The magic of the moment will last

Dispose of your past

There is no reason to wait.


The Lost Tetrarch Competition is still on. Situation: I am gone. Nobody would notice but you did. What? Where? Who? Why? Where am I and what do your nightmares of a strange saber fight between me and a Jedi from the dark mean? The story should cover the explanation, the description of your journey, locating me and one or two good battle scenes. Best submission shall get a... I don't know what because of the new guidelines. Something for sure. :) It 's worth it. SUBMIT TO IT!


1/ Tetrarch Tomaas Banys. IRC sessions, a few stories and a bigger project plus the Master-Student program. Other duties. Been playing JK2 around on Obelisk servers, attempted to recruit lightsiders into HMR, been studying the theory of the force. Awarded 2xCF.

2/ Tyro Elminster Keldorn. IRC sessions.

3/ Tyro Arcadius Calidus. Working on a few nice little stories.

The rest - no contact. :( Bad tyros!!!


Battle Team: Night Hawks Phyle

House: Mark Ragnos

Clan: Naga Sadow

Order: Krath

Motto: Our Quill, the Stars; Our Inkpot, the Night.

Message Board: http://hmrboard.minos.net/

Team Leader (Tetrarch): Dark Jedi Knight Tomaas Banys

Members: 8

  Krath Tetrarch Tomaas Banys [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

  Krath Tyro Ghost Dog [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Priest

  Krath Tyro Elminster Keldorn [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

  Krath Tyro Arcadius Calidus [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

  Krath Tyro Meredith Anzer [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector

  Krath Tyro Imperial [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte

  Krath Tyro Rae-Won Kai [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

  Krath Tyro Iylan Kano [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Archpriest

Desk of the Tetrarch

  I will not bother to comment on the activity the Phyle represents. Am I wrong? Then report in and tell me so. But I know I am not.

  Respectfully submitted,

Dark Jedi Knight Tomaas A.J. WOLFMASTER Banys

Tetrarch, Night Hawks Phyle / Krath Magister, House Marka Ragnos

[Log in to view e-mail addresses] :: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] :: [+48 606 612184] *** <`Wolf>

From the desk of the Tetrarch of the BAMFs

Not much news. I intended to do an AWOL check this week but life's been hell since I'm still sort of working on managing my time between summer classes and full time work, so it'll wait until I figure out some sort of schedule.

Roster: No changes.

Awards: None.

Latest: Project Thallium, intended to reform the command structure and give more powers to clan officers, is about to be launched by DGM Astatine. I made sure I put my two cents in on the feedback. Details are at http://www.emperorshammer.net/thallium/

-Foxy Slut

Dark Brotherhood Krath News

KHP On Leave

Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 5/16/2002 [9:22:28 AM]

Hi all,

I'm taking a short leave of absence starting now, finishing on Monday afternoon GMT. I'll do my report and clear up any unfinished business then. If you have anything urgent in the meantime, please speak to one of my staff who will be pleased to help you. Or at least they'd better be pleased to help you. :P

See you all Monday!


There's a run-on going on at the house messageboard. I suggest you all go and put in your 2-cents worth and keep it alive. The house summit and I are currently working on a house-wide competition, so keep an eye out for that in the future. Also, I am in negotiations with the Quaestor of Gladius for an inter-house competition, and I'm sure we will kick their asses no problem. Other than that, there's the Krath Monthly Topic and Monthly Poem being run by our beautiful KHP, Mairin Astoris. :P

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi - Dark Brotherhood home

http://www.emperorshammer.org - Emperor's Hammer homepage

http://hmrboard.minos.net - House Marka Ragnos messageboard

http://www22.brinkster.com/markaragnos - Our House homepage

~Krath Priest J`Rai, Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos, Clan Naga Sadow

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