Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Well, it's Memorial Day for us here in the United States. What this means for the rest of you is that there probably will be a heckuva lot more people playing games online. Myself, I'll be at a family camp working on the boating docks. I'll also be working on my story in my free time (either that or playing euchure).


And now for something completely different. <-

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_ ROSTER_ </td> </tr> </table>


Member Count: 22


AED: DJK Tomaas Banys

RM: GRD Kant Lavar



LMK TET: KP StarLion


(N/A) DA Mejas Doto

(BAMF) KPN Dr. Fox

(N/A) KAP Iylan Kano

(BAMF) KE Daihok

(N/A) KP J'Rai

(NH) KP Ghost Dog

(LMK) KP StarLion

(BAMF) KP Tharivol Endymiron

(BAMF) DJK Ayudanter Clars III

(NH) DJK Elminster Keldorn

(BAMF) DJK Da'emon Narshay

(BAMF) JH Ghost Angel

(N/A) GRD Kant Lavar

(BAMF) PRT Nathan "SaberStrike" Zenos

(LMK) PRT Thelea Jeth

(BAMF) PRT WalkerBoh

(NH) PRT Meredith Anzer

(NH) ACO Imperial

(LMK) ACO Svafnae

(NH) NOV Arcadius Calidus

(N/A) NOV Rae-Won Kai

(N/A) NOV Thomas Solo

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_ RANK PROMOTIONS - Or, Those Who Will Buy Us Drinks_ </td> </tr> </table>


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_ POSITION PROMOTIONS - Or, The Other People Who Will Buy Us Drinks_ </td> </tr> </table>

  • KP Bob leaves HMR to become OW Bob, Quaestor for House Primus Goluud.

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_ NEW MEDALS - Or, The Third Group Of People Who Will Buy Us Drinks_ </td> </tr> </table>

  • Not one, but two Crescenst with Amethyst Stars have been awarded to DJK Tomaas Banys.

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_ TRANSFERS INTO HMR - Or, The Newbies Who Will Buy Us Drinks_ </td> </tr> </table>

  • NOV Thomas Solo joins HMR.

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_ TRANSFERS OUT OF HMR - Or, The People Who We Will Miss And Will Buy Us Drinks Before They Go_ </td> </tr> </table>

  • KP Bob leaves HMR to become OW Bob, Quaestor for House Primus Goluud.

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_ MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES- Or, The Miscellaneous Changes_ </td> </tr> </table>

  • GRD Kant Lavar will be on a weekend LOA and will be away from all technology higher than a wristwatch until approximately 2000 hours GMT.

  • Just in case you missed it, J'Rai has a new email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. This change was due to too much spam.

I'm going to type this next bit real slow for those of you who have not caught on (the newbies are excluded from that category, but should still pay attention). We have four people actively posting on our message board. The URL for that message board is Go there. Post. Spam (a little). Challenge people to matches in our infamous Combat Rooms. Take part in our run-on(s). Mai-Mai, you can come into our little den of booze and inanity as well.

Until next time, keep your heads up, sabers on, and pens moving. Just not all at the same time, mind you.

One week of high school left for me! Woot!

GRD Kant Lavar (Krath)/RM/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow {SA:CORE}

Krath Inceptor, Clan Naga Sadow Elite Guard

ELT/Kant Lavar/Omega/BHG-H(Px2)(SCB)

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