Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Infantry Elite Report #6, by OW Shadow


Holy crap, lots of activity this week. People are bringing in medals from all over the place :P Comps are running good, and we may be into a feud with one or two houses soon.


1) AED JK1/JK2 Ladder - as posted from the last few weeks :P

The rules for the ladder will change from month to month as I work out which will be the best format to use. For now everyone will start of with 20 points. Matches can only be 1 on 1. The winner will take a point from the loser. If you get as low as 0 you are out of the ladder until it starts over next month. The member withthe most points on the 31st wins. You can play as many games as you like. The only limitation I have is that you can not play the same person twice in a row. You can play either JK 1 or 2 and any battle ground or force level is OK. Just make sure you decide before playing. Once a match is over the winner needs to email me with the result and CC his opponent on the email too (If you forget to CC the opponent I will actually void the match and no point will be awarded).

Now here's where the strategy comes into place as if you play someone in the week who has already been reduced to 0 points since the last report and you win, you wont actually be given a point as the loser has none to give away. If you lose to this person, you will not lose a point as he is already out of the comp. Awards are still to be decided, I'll let you know about them next week.

2) Multi-Player Comp - as posted from last week.

All you have to do is play five (5) Jedi Knight, or Jedi Outcast MP matches against five (5) different people in the DB (and win) and you get awarded a Crescent, Sapphire Star (Cr-1S). At the end of every week I'll delete all the screenshots I've recieved and we'll start fresh for the next week. Since I'm starting this now, it'll be from Saturday to Saturday. Reporting: Send your screenshot matches to me, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject: DIE Competition. Good Luck.

3) Obelisk Tourney's - As posted from every week. =)

Remember to come out every Saturday afternoon for the Obelisk Tourney's. Join #obelisk at 3pm EST and be ready for some JK2 or JK1. Winners of matches get CF's, if a tourney is one, you get a shiny crescent =)

4) Brotherhood of En-Chi

The first Phase of Pred's comp is coming to a close. Get in a team, or start a team quickly. Tuesday is the final day before he shoves you all into teams :P


Three promotions this week.

NOV Bolan Remon


NOV Zotie


GRD Sithlet

Jedi Hunter

Congrats guys, more promos to come next week =P

Seven, count em, seven medals awarded this week. Congrats guys, keep up the good work.

Cluster of Fire

ACO Bolan Remon

Cluster of Fire

JH Mordin Malchia

Cluster of Fire

JH Mordin Malchia

Cluster of Fire

JH Mordin Malchia

Crescent w/ Sapphire Star

ACO Bolan Remon

Crescent w/ Sapphire Star

ACO Bolan Remon

Dark Cross

ACO Bolan Remon


Two joins, YAY!!! Everyone welcome NOV Vradin and NOV Phantom to DIE. Have fun guys and play JK1 or JK2 to your hearts content :P

No parts.

Upcoming Events:

1) QUA SwipeR is still creating Dinaari's Brigade Wars. Don't have all the details yet but expect that in the near future.

2) The Tally's will be coming soon.

3) It seems several Obelisk houses have challenged us to House Feud's. As far as I know no one in Dinaari has okayed it, so before you go play someone for the house feud find out whats going on. Swipes, if you've given this the go ahead, inform Dinaari.

Brotherhood News:

You can check www.darkjedibrotherhood.org for any non-Obby news.

HRLD Kaine is starting a JK2 project. If you can edit skins, make graphics, or build levels email him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] to join his team.

Final Thoughts:

2 more members then we got a full brigade guys. Start recruiting off of IRC and JK2 servers. Also keep honing your JK1/JK2 skills for upcoming feuds.

OW Shadow (Obelisk)/P:CoG-P:OHC-SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan

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