Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Dark Greetings all,

Okay another week has passed us in House Cestus and it dissapoints me to say that ACO Nelson has decided to go rogue, but lets not let this dishearten us and lets go out there and recruit some new members, I am aware that most of you are doing this already.


Its good to see that you are still all active, many of you have been playing a lot of JK and have been active on mail and IRC, keep up the good work gents.

Those of you who are less active come and join the fun we are having most nights on IRC.


The roster currently stands at 10 members.

OW Ziguarath - QUA

DJK Darkov

DJK Gelton Torr - AED

GRD Glorfindel - SGT Battalion of Fear

JH Blackhero

PRT Talon Zetar - SGT Armoured Fist

PRT Zekk

ACO Daryan

ACO Sukuth

NOV Sauron


SGT Talon Zetars Banner competition ends today hopefully he has had some good entries.

SGT Talon Zetars JK2 comp is currently running I myself have been participating, so get your matches played if you havent done already.

#EHCOC runs competitions most nights join the channel and type !complist for a list of the comps and timings

The OHCs tourney is held every Saturday at 3:00pm EST and we always have a good turnout there


Only two medals reported to me this week


Congrats to Sukuth on his collection of Clusters of Fires

I also know he is waiting for others to be awarded.


No promotions this week.

But I have now decided with the help of my Aedile who the new rollmaster will be PRT Sukuth will now take over the position so send your activity reports to him.

You need to report to the rollmaster every wednesday telling him what you have been doing for activity.

Thats it from this week keep up the good work guys and most of all have fun

OW Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum[GMRG:INI] [KSOE:CC2] GC/(SC)/(BN)/Cr-1R-1D/CF


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