Consul Report


Consul Report

Dark dudes and dudettes! (TM)

Some of the Quaestors and Aediles seem to have been stepping above their places and taking certain liberties that they may think are okay because they are in a position of power. This in unacceptable and anyone who is found using the "dark dudes and dudettes" greeting in their email will be slapped with a wet kipper and tied up in an office with Mike as he reads from his memoirs! :P

I'll try and keep the rest of this report short and cut out all the crap. I'll write an addendum tomorrow with all the usual crap - this report is kinda serious.

It has come to my attention that since being elevated to ProConsul and then Consul I am getting further away from the general membership of CSP and this is bad. I now have to prioritise my online time between my duties as CON and P:KHP, and all the other crap I used to come up with in silly replies to serious emails. This has caused myself to become a little distanced from the more junior members - which could prolly be seen as me slacking off in my Consul duties. Part of my job is to be there and approachable as possible. I may put on a facade of a big mental dark Jedi, but I'm actually just some big Irish muppet sat in front of a laptop. :P

I would like to think that anyone in the Clan could come to me and discuss anything at all. We, the House and Clan leaders, are here for your benefit. This is your club. We are here to serve you. If you think there is something, anything, wrong with any aspect at all with the DJB at any level than you can come to us and discuss it. And, speaking for myself, you can come to chat with me about anything at all, whether it be DJB related or not. I may make it look like I'm a big gruff muppet, which I can be if I'm hung-over or after Ireland have been dumped out of the World Cup, but for 100% of the time (when I'm not drunk or crying over sports) I'd like to think that I am quite approachable. :)

That is all...

KE Cuchulain (Krath)/P:KHP-CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae


"We must use our powers to extinguish the light..."

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