Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Summit report (QUA Kahn/ AED Paladorion):


The Clan competition. Write your last story, write your last poem, the competition ends on Sunday! Be sure to have those events done cause I know you’ll be rewarded.

The Monthly topics. Write a story and/or poem with the topic ‘Sabre’ and send them to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] before 11.59pm EST June 30th (don’t forget to Cc Pala, Kahn and Khobai).

The Clanbook. The envoys have started with the preparations of this huge project and you should have received information about it from your envoy (if not, bother him. J). We would like you to write stories, poems, create levels, make graphics or make anything else that has something to do with our Clan for this book. Send it to your envoy and Paladorion.

For Hell’s Gatekeepers there is the stick man comic. Create a little stick man comic with the topic ‘a day in Qel-Droma’.


KE Alex has joined Qel-Droma

NOV Malice has joined Qel-Droma (he decided to join Dark Orb, you’re in it now); welcome both, we all hope you’ll have fun in Arcona!

GRD Breadian^X has left the Krath order to receive combat training in Galeres. Good luck in your new house!


Teachdaire (aka Korbane Ashoka) has been elevated to Krath Priest! Well done!

Teachdaire has received a medal for building a site for the Hell’s Gatekeepers:

Satana has been awarded a Crescent w/ Diamond Star (D) for coming first in the Monthly Topic of May 2002!

Sebastian has received a Dark Cross for building a site for Dark Orb: Congrats!


All members must be in a battle team from now on, that means that you’ll have to mail me with your choice ASAP if you’re not in a Phyle already, otherwise you wont have a choice.

Trev, recruit your son. :D

Get ready for an upcoming Feud…

Submitted by KP Paladorion Teranioklon Entar (Krath)/AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: KC1]


Rollmaster report (RM ^CyberGuy^):

Hello everybody,

Here is another RM report. The current house roster stands at 27 members:

KPN Dr Fox

KPN Elliad Gavron

KPN Gilkane

KPN Trevarus Caerick

KE Alex

KAP Diakonov

KAP Kahn

KAP Kelvis Xavier

KAP Sebastian

KP al'Lan Mandragoran

KP Korbane Ashoka

KP Paladorion Teranioklon Entar

KP Satana

KP Timeros Caesus Entar

KP Vassan Rokir

DJK ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar

DJK Kylnath Optikei

JH JaM3z "X-Ray" Lucius Entar

GRD Leara

PRT Karan Dus

PRT Riel Estrada

PRT Viru

ACO Strategos

NOV Hunti

NOV Malice

NOV Sidius Claw

NOV Surmonter

Here is the list of everbody with Letters of Commendations and Letter of Merits:

Name LoC-LoM

DJK ^CyberGuy^ 0-1

GRD Breadian^X 2-0

JH JaM3z 1-0

KAP Kahn 1-0

KAP Kelvis 2-0

KP Korbane 4-1

GRD Leara 3-1

KP Paladorion 2-0

PRT Riel 1-0

KP Satana 1-0

KAP Sebastian 1-1

KP Timeros 4-2

Further more the Master/student program is still running and I want to see more Master/student couples. Everybody who is looking for a master or student, please send Kahn, Pala and me an e-mail. If I've received several requests, I'm going to try to make some Master/studens couples.

We had one new master/student couple this week, containing myself and PRT Riel Estrade. Further more we lost a couple, since GRD Breadian^X left the house, he cannot be the student of KP Timeros anymore.


KAP Sebastian/DJK Kylnath Optikei

DJK Korbane Ashoka/GRD Leara

DJK ^CyberGuy^/PRT Riel Estrada

Looking for Master:


Looking for Student:

KPN Dr Fox

KPN Gilkane

Looking for master or student:

KP Paladorion

KP Timeros Caesus Entar



Submitted by: DJK ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar (Krath)/M:HM-RM-TYR/House Qel-Droma of Arcona (SE-LS)/DC-KC-O/DSS

Hell’s Gatekeepers report (TET Korbane):

Krath Preist Korbane Ashoka reporting in for Hells Gatekeepers

of Clan

Arcona. I created a new website this week I will TRY to update

this weekly

with the weekly report. This is just a starting point for the

website in my

spare time I am building something better little by little.

*****Phyle Training/Awards/Promotion

I did not get to put in the report last week I was promoted to

Krath Preist

hooray for me.

No other awards or medals this weeks but with the Clan Comp

coming to a

close I am looking forward to filling this section up.

Operation/Comp. News

Clan Arcona Comp. is up until June 23rd. I HIGHLY suggest that


participate if you have not already. This is a great way to earn

alot of

medals and perhaps a promotion.

Krath Monthly Topic for both the poem and story is 'Lightsaber'.

You guys

can do what you want send you submissions to:

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Be sure to CC them to Kahn and Paladorion if you participate if

both I

believe they are giving out a little extra like a LoC or LoM.

Be sure to participate in the Phyle Comp. I got it approved and


so awards will not be a problem. It is going to be every month

no matter

what is going on.

**Upcoming Events*

Clan Arcona History Book, Next months phyle comp will be

centered around

this I believe I am still thinking about it. So we can start

getting ideas

for it.

**Current Roster**

Krath Preist Korbane Ashoka

Pontifex Gilkane

Archpriest Kelvis Xavier

Krath Priest Timeros Caesus Entar

Dark Jedi Knight Cyberguy

Jedi Hunter JaM3z 'X-Ray' Lucius Entar

Guardian Breadian^X

Novice Sidius Claw

Acolyte Strategos

Report Submitted by: KP Korbane Ashoka (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: CC2]



Dark Orb report (TET Sebastian):

None received. Please get your report in on time in the future.


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