Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report



Well it's been a pretty slow week this week not a lot happening. DJK Kaarl Roger has left us. Don't know why or for what reason. Seems people don't seem to feel they need to inform the Battle team commander of these things. I only found out when I checked my roster. Lucky for me I keep my own copy or I wouldn't even know who left. Well we were at least a full squadron for a couple days. Lets see if we can't find someone to fill that vacancy.  

Enough ranting and on to the good stuff. PRT Jacynta Ni'Erilia has selected Nightshade to her new home. Good to have you on the team and I look forward to talking to you soon.   

Darkmages flying comp has ended and the awards have been given congratulations to all those who got medals. The new comp has begun so lets see those plt files roll in. As before pleas CC me so I can keep tabs on who's doing what. The new missions are XWAfree-3 and XvTfree-90.   


JH Dolza: Awarded Emerald Star

JH Dolza: Awarded Dark Cross

GRD Kane Reese: Awarded Dark Cross

GRD Dark Angel: Awarded Emerald Star




Fly XWAfree-3 and or XvTfree-90: Turn in pilot files to GRD Kane Reese, SBM Darkmage and myself.

Have fun. and fly fly fly. Lets see more activity then just the basics.

I am always looking for good graphics. Submissions will be rewarded.



Battle Team Commander: Nightshade

IW Wing Commander: Wing I

JH Dolza (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae


{SA: CORE-CH</bow></bow>

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