Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


This is my second report for the Spirits of the Night, Phyle of the Krath house Aleema of Satal Keto.

With all the updates and emails concerning the feud I won't berate you with more; however here is my activity list for the week:

Shups- Reports and naught a thing else. Too much work and I hate this cursed heat.

Arania- Emailed me asking why she was still getting mails. I told her her request to go rogue was denied. If naught else gets said from either her or up above, I'll request the removal to rogue myself.

Pendragon- Rollmaster Stuff

Kali Lilith Vaircana- Nothing at all

Garclone- Requested to go rogue 7/11 still on the roster

Talon Astruar- passed Krath Grammer training

                 emailed me about graphics  

That's whats happening. Now I see that the QUA's report comes out Sunday so I will be doing my report Saturdays from now on. I would whoop and holler bout the stuff thats happening in the house but its all over the house email. And I need to get cracking on it myself. :))

Thats the story folks. Also, Robert Plants new album rocks. Just came out today and I havent stopped listening to it yet.

Master Shups

FM/COL Shups/Tau 3-4/MC Tripidium


LoC-PS x270/DFC-SWx10/MoC-BoCx7/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E

[LGNR] [Top-ACE-3rd] [Former XA-TA]

Dark Jedi Master (Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto,



"Keeping the Talent Happy"

Dossier #367 TIE Corps PIN #1452


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