Headmaster Report


Headmaster Report


That's right! A brand new course for the Sith, their first ever! It was released only yesterday afternoon and already more than 40 people have passed it! If you haven't taken the course yet, go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/iset.htm for the course notes.

The second Sith course will be out next week sometime. After that, I've got some other courses to work on.

  1. Taking courses

Quick reminder: ANYONE can take ANY Shadow Academy course. Just because it says Krath CORE or Sith Flight Studies doesn't mean you the Obelisk can't take it. If you want to learn something outside of your area of specialization, hop on over to the Shadow Academy :)

  1. Course ideas

I have an inbox. I like email. So if you have course ideas, email them to me. This doesn't mean they will become courses, but I'm always open to ideas.

  1. Football!

If anyone wants to play EH Fantasy Football, email me :)

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