Holy Sacrilege report numero uno
August 1st, 2002
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<tr><td>Random Acts of InSaNiTy</td></tr>
Welcome to my first report. Without further... udo? I dunno. Without further
disruption, here is my first feature. Where I tell you a story or put up a
log of someonething insane/stupid I've done. This may be a bit lengthy, but
it should entertain you. This weeks random act of insanity is a conversation
I had with my friend Julee. Enjoy.
Sylph says:
Yahiko is soooo sexy...
Julee says:
im not screwing him, no matter what you guys say
Sylph says:
And he's sooo much better than Inuyasha in bed.
Julee says:
i dont care
Sylph says:
You should.
Julee says:
he's younger than me, and i prefer Inuyasha no matter what.
Julee says:
he's my bishounen and im loyal, thank you.
Sylph says:
You're not welcome, god fucking dammit.
Julee says:
i dont know whats wrong with you people
Sylph says:
Julee says:
Julee says:
good for it.
Sylph says:
All I wanted was a friggin' rotating chair!
Julee says:
so get one!
Julee says:
[insert odd smilie here]
Julee says:
Sylph says:
Fox, look out behind you!
Julee says:
Sylph says:
Use the boost to chase!
Sylph says:
Julee says:
...what is WRONG with you...?!
Sylph says:
Julee says:
Sylph says:
Sylph says:
Julee says:
-makes a face- uh...
Julee says:
-hides behind inuyasha- ack....?
Sylph says:
*clasps his hand around Inuyasha throat and digs his nails into the back of
his neck, holding him down with his other hand as he tears his head off,
licking the blood up.* BOGEYS ON YOUR SIX!
Julee says:
Julee says:
little violent, aren't we?
Sylph says:
randomly moons Julee. This is my knee.
Julee says:
Julee says:
Sylph says:
Julee says:
Julee says:
apple pie...?
Julee says:
Sylph says:
Hey, hey, hey.
Sylph says:
Fuck you.
Sylph says:
Sylph says:
I'm tired of your godamn shit.
Sylph says:
Go fuck Yahiko.
Sylph says:
Right now. That's right.
Julee says:
Julee says:
i will NOT
Sylph says:
I will, I will!
Julee says:
then go ahead!
Sylph says:
No, it's your job!
Julee says:
well then its not gonna get done
Sylph says:
But it MUST be done.
Julee says:
then get someone else to do it.
Julee says:
when i say no, i mean NO!
Sylph says:
Yesh, I heard you say yes. He's in the next room.
Julee says:
i said no, you idiot of all idots!
Julee says:
Sylph says:
Julee says:
you're still an idiot.
Sylph says:
Foolish child. Return to your own world of self-sufficiency. But keep in
mind you could not survive a minute in the real world, which you will never
see. I feel sorry for you, almost.
Julee says:
Julee says:
...are you safe to talk to now...?
Julee says:
why does it say out to lunch, at 11:22...?
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<td>News and the like</td>
Item #1 - Feud Time
Ah, yes. As you all know, the feud between Arcona, Naga Sadow and Tarentum
is drawing to a close. And with this, I want all of you to play at least one
more person. I don't care if you win or lose, but get out there and
Item #2 - New Members
Coming over from the battle team of Dark Element... we have... JEDI HUNTER
KHEVRON RAI! Wheee... welcome, Rai.
Item #3 - Current Members
Alright... almost everyone has been showing activity. Savareen, though, has
not done anything in over two weeks. If he doesn't get off his bum and do
something soon, he's outta the brigade. Let us all mourn.
In the points department... KiwiBuzzSaw is in the lead, with 35 points, and
the rank of Zealot. That's a first, both in points and rank. ^_^ Right
behind him is Blitz, with 30 points. I'll have some points soon, don't you
worry. :P
A quick reminder... e-mail me when you do stuff, dammit. That is all. ^_^
Item #4 - The Site/Group
As... maybe one or two of you know, we have a temporary site at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/holysacrilege/ I am told by Sir Rai that he
will be building a site for us, but until then, I'll explain the groups a
In Files, you have the text file that explains the point/credit/rank system.
Might wanna read that. In Database, you have the area where it shows how
many credits everyone has, rank, all that stuff, as well as how much each
activity is worth.
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue">
<td>Individual Reports, ja?</td>
Here I shall go through the tedious process of making a small report on each
of you. This should help out a bit.
Novice Blitz - You're plenty active on AIM, and you have lots of
enthusiasm, but you're not e-mailing me when you do things. Also, I'm not
even sure if you check your e-mail, as your e-mail under the egroups is
bouncing. Just be active and report to me when you do things, and you'll be
Jedi Hunter Khevron Rai - Yer active on IRC, but since you've only
been in HS a day, I wasn't expecting loads of activity yet. But get workin'
on it. Also, read the stuff on our little rank system on the Yahoo! groups.
Any questions may be thrown my way.
Protector KiwiBuzzSaw - Yay. You're being active, reporting your
activities, and fighting me in JK2. You're doing very well, keep it up and
there may be some medals/promotions on the way.
Novice Savareen - You're gunna be AWOL'd soon. Do something, or just
e-mail me and I'll give you an activity point. I don't wanna have to throw
out people, but I'm going to have no choice soon.
That concludes my report. Dismissed, soldiers!
JH Sylph (Obelisk)/SGT/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow [GMRG: INI]
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