Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

[:: NEWS ::]

-We welcomed our 4th elite brother this week, with the arrival of KP al'Lan Mandragoran who is back in HAD.

-Krath 1 is still being reviewed.. hopefully DF gets a favourable result out of its 3 submissions (100% participation at the time!)

-DJK Titus has submitted his Krath exams and will soon complete the "Corruption" piece for entry.

-Your own favourite TET is now somebody else's SGT, as his Obelisk clone was made battleteam leader. Woo!


-KP al'Lan Mandragoran to DF

[:: COMPS ::]

-Feud run-on at:

-GRD Aeishline has suggested a DF comp; I am reluctant to start anything this early but will consider it.

That's it for this week, folks.


Krath Priest; Drynwyn's Flame Tetrarch Khaen

KP Khaen (Krath)/TET/House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae


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