Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Infantry Elite Report #15, by OW Shadow


New OHC is still being sought, interviews are happening today so new OHC soon...probably :P


1) The Clan Training Center is up and running. Take a course, become a master/padawan, and do some other funky stuff!!!

2) Weekly Tournaments and the Taldryan Combat Consortium are still happening. Join up and win some medals.


No Promotions =(

So few medals. I think I'll blame the CHAN for this :P

Cluster of Fire


Cluster of Fire


Cluster of Fire


Cluster of Fire


Yay for CF's!!


No Joins. Many new people coming to Dinaari soon though.

No Parts.

Upcoming Events:

1) A GJW is in the making, so stay tuned for that. Waiting on new OHC to pull out the Obelisk part of the vendetta =P (Sucks for him)

2) If you want a new event lemme know. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] <

I only filter half my DB stuff =P

3) Me and SGT Destavol are currently working on a brigade vs brigade competition. Winners will get Crescents, etc. The usual kinda comp :P More info soon...

4) CG has become the new Sergeant of Dark Fire Brigade, we'll see if he's also up to some feuding.

Final Thoughts:

My head hurts from the large amount of JK2 editing I've done this last week so I cannot form a coherent final thought. That being said, MUH!!

OW Shadow (Obelisk)/P:CoG-P:OHC-SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan

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