Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Who doesn't love Saturday? Enjoy this week's SotN report, sent out on the 7th of September, 2002. :)


Well I got no feedback from my last report. Grrrrrr. I do know that everyone is busy with school and such so I am starting up a quick comp and we shall see how it goes. Yes I do know that the comp is not approved on the site thingy (it is down), but I have approval directly from Grand Master Firefox to run it. It is a combo idea that TT used for his cookoff (former QUA) which I dug and an idea that Kaiann ran past me.

Competition Name: Aleeman Warning Labels

Competition Start: 09/07/02

Competition End: 09/21/02

Competitors: Aleema phyles AoD and SotN members

Competition Medals: Yes for first and second place

Comp details: This competition is for you to design a warning label for a Star Wars item. It is to be as most labels are in our universe, sometimes funny; usually stupid. For instance, on a toy with incredibly smart parts a warning is displayed:

"Not suitable for children under 3"

on a cup of McDonalds coffee:

"Caution: Hot!"

on cigarrette packs:

"Smoking causes great health problems..."

I mean honestly! These are funny and pretty dumb but there they are. :P

Anyhow this will be done against each other in pairs, with the most entertaining submission winning thus allowing the submitter to move on to the next round. The break down is as follows and is random.

Kaiann vs Minerva

Pendragon vs Draco Caanis

Arania vs Daavak Tron

Sayo Hirsho vs Arion

TK-7764 vs Deus Excelsior

Maradis Jenkar vs Page

Gryphon vs Xrath Darksythe

The first item that needs a warning label is: the double bladed lightsaber!

There will be 7 winners from this round to move on to round 2. Obviously I have excluded myself as I will judge the first round. Most likely I will ask Gordo to judge the next 3 rounds. If no submission is sent in by the due date it constitutes a loss by default. All submissions are to be labeled in the subject Aleeman Warning Labels and are to be sent to:

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Now guys, this comp is very simple and doesn't take too long at all. These first submissions are to be in no later than 11:59pm Tuesday September 10. The next round will start after that.



Shups- TET Stuff

        Started work on a DB battle: again  

        tons of mail  

        trying hard to not get permabanned on IRC  

   Is a Cowboys fan :))  

Pendragon- Where are ya Pen? We need a website update!

Minerva- Seen on IRC

           Requested her GoA  

     Is still a Redskins fan :((  

Garou- Quiet as a mouse

TK-7764- Not even an update :(

              Is a Chicago bears fan....da bears  

Page Meridian- In contact

Arania- do the comp!

Arion- Chatted with on IRC!

Enough Said?

No feud results yet. Grrr. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :(

No krath monthly topic results yet. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Do the new comp!!!

TET's Thoughts

Ok peeps. I am running my very own first comp as a TET. So work with me people. It ain't like I am asking for a 10 page work of fiction based on how great I really am. :) Whoa, that could be the next one! :P

Very quick comp just to make some activity, get you to grab a medal maybe and keep your phyles looking nice on report day.

Aleeman Warning Labels!

"Warning- Not doing this comp will anger your TET!" :)

FM/COL Shups/Tau 3-4/MC Tripidium


LoC-PS x279/DFC-SWx10/MoC-BoCx7/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E

[LGNR] [Top-ACE-3rd] [Former XA-TA]

Dark Jedi Master (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto,



"Keeping the Talent Happy"

Dossier #367 TIE Corps PIN #1452


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