Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

I apologize for the lateness of this report. Have spent all day restoring my computer.

  1. I've only had 1 reply to my initial e-mail. Don't tell me there are 7 inactive's out there. Thank you to NOV Diesel Jedi for being the only one to reply. I expect everyone else to reply by the end of next week...or I start removing people.

  2. I need to check the DGM site (if it's back up) but the screen shot competition that Khan started should continue. Send your screen shots of JO/JK(MotS too) to me and my AED JH Little Hawk ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

  3. Enter the WoW competition. Read the latest OHC report for details.

  4. OW Jacob Van Nowak has gone over to the Krath side of Alvaak. Good luck.

I think that will be all for now...


DJK Sephiroth (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [GMRG: CRU-S]



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