Sith High Warrior Report


Sith High Warrior Report

Sith Order Report for the Weeks Ending Sunday September 15th, and Friday September 6th

Well everyone, I've finally moved into my residence, got settled, started classes, so I guess I had better come back to active status, and start doing work and crap. Just so everyone knows, as I'm sure they're insanely curious, I've had a good time, met lots of people, and so on and so on, and yes, I am mostly in good behaviour.

1) First and Foremost: Appointment procedures. Yes this is directed at Consuls, Proconsuls, and Quaestors... If there are vacant spots in your House Summit, and you wish to fill them, you must first clear it with me. Only rarely will I object, but I reserve the luxury to do it, and it'd look a hell of a lot better with me objecting and you finding someone else, than me objecting and firing someone a day after they got appointed... and it'd make me look like less of an ass. Mmkay?

2) Sith Squadron League: Under the capable guiding Hands of my Praetor Hades, this competition has gone on without a noticable hitch in my absence. As such, we have progressed to the first of the tournament rounds, and a big congrats are due to Pandragon, Hammerhead, Nightshade, and Hyperion Flight Squadrons. Good luck in the tourneys guys. Also, I noticed on the egroups chatter, that some people are wondering about rewards... it'll be at the end of the competition people.

3) Sith TOP GUN: Yes, it still exists, even though I promised I'd have fixtures out before I left, I didn't. The problem was, is that some of the matches reported were with people not in the DB. This has been accommodated for, and new fixtures will be released sometime today. Hell, I'll release them right now too. To those of you involved in the matches, I'll be mailing you all personally aswell.


Shups [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] vs. Brian [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Philo [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] vs. Wil [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Halcyon [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] vs. Nightflyer [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]


Pellaeon [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] vs. Mell [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Wil [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] vs. Malik [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Backfire [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] vs. Kardde [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

4) MISSION DESIGNERS: Well, the DGM has tasked me with the mission creation for the upcoming vendetta... unfortunately, I cannot seem to find any programmers, and those who I have found, keep coming to unfortunate ends, and cannot complete the missions. Thus, I am putting out the call for designers who are willing AND ABLE to complete a 4-5 mission battle by the end of the month at the latest. I need people for every platform, so please email me and we'll get to work.

5) IRC Presence: One of the things that I've always prided myself in with my leadership is my ability to be on IRC a lot. Unfortunately, those opportunities will probably be lessened a great deal with my enrollment in University. So basically I'm saying that I may not be on IRC as much anymore, and if you have pressing matters that you want to talk to me personally about, email me about it, or email me and request I be online at a certain time. I can't promise I will be, but I'll try, and if I can't, I'll give you an alternate time.

6) New DB XvT Battle: PRT Tissaya Argat of House Ronin has created a new DB-XvT Battle 7 "Betrayal and Loyalty" which is now available for download from the EH Battleboard located here:

That's it from me folks, I'm mostly caught up, but if there are any pressing matters you need attended to, email me again, and let me know.

Fly Fast and Shoot Straight,

Sith High Warrior,

Dark Adept Keirdagh Cantor

"Beware, the Ides of March are Upon you!"

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