Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report.



OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr.


Fellow Dark Jedi.

I have to comment about last nights training, i feel it was a bit of a shambles to be honest, and next week it will have to be ran better. I have some suggestions that i would like to be taken very seriousley indeed by the person who runs the server!! I will come to this later in the news section.

Well this week has been busy as normal. Infact it has been very hectic for me for several reasons, & i will share them with you so your not kept in the dark.

House News.

For all the latest news and updates around the DB, please visit : http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

  1. Kirleta Training Night! -

So, me and Reza created Kirleta House training night. It will be on every Saturday night(10:30 GMT = 5:30 EST, pm of course). We wants to see at lest 50% participation for this traning (JKII), if you don't know how to make a comb or etc just ask us there and we will shown you. I can bet that Reza will show you some tricks that you never thought that exist before :P. And traning s will be on CSK FFA server. IP: Password: cskrulez. Remember that traning is saber training :P

If i forgot about something, Reza correct me :P

GRD Markr (Obelisk)/TRP/Kirleta of Satal Keto

So you all got the time and place each week. So now i will give my 18 pence on what i thought of last night -

  1. Too many NON CSK/Kirleta members around.

  2. Too much swearing goin on.

  3. Lack of respect for those who are in consol/ having a break.

  4. No area free for just dueling.

  5. General disorder!!

What we need to do to make the server better for us to duel is rather simple! You cannot train with other people around. They'll spoil it for everyone. Something that was beginning to make me see red after about 15 mins of being on the server. The evening has to be ran better!!!

  1. Change the password for the hours of training - so only those from CSK or Kirleta can get in.

  2. Add some models so people can use custom models to train with (i personaly dl'd Darth Maul cuz he looks like me)!!

  3. Get MORE Kirleta members in there!! There were only 5 of us last night, 5 out of 17??? Thats bad! Come on people.......get yer butts in there please. Its for your benefit remember.

  4. CF's for each duel win! - last night i did'nt keep the scores (even though i know i got 4), because i was told to keep scores when it all was goin pear shaped! As of next week i want to see this done properly! So when i come on, then we start the dueling.

The Dueling area on the bespin FFA map shall be the 'Platform'. SGT Reza is the host for the night. Whilst i will be Dueling inbetween, i'd rather see you guys at it whilst i can observe and keep a tally on whos won what and against who. Those spectating shall stand on the stairs at the front of Platform, and not interefere with the duelist or other spectators. NOR ME! Here are some Duel guidelines for you all to follow to make it a better night.

Duel Rules.

  1. Only the 2 persons who are to duel are to be permitted onto the platform. All spectators must wait on the stairs.

  2. When the Duel is finished, ONLY the next challenger may go onto the Platform. But allow the victor a moment to get his/her shields and health back up.

  3. The small ledge above the stairs will be for me to watch from and keep count of who's won what. It would be nice if the Duelists could stand in the middle and wait for me to give the nod. This'll allow me the time to write down the names atleast.

  4. I don't wanna see [DB]_Aza or something like that. It's obviouse we're in the DB for god sake! Please on the night change your name to reflect your rank. It looks better anyway.

  5. Whilst spectating (like i said) on the stairs, please do not chat until the duel has started, the Duelist will be waiting for me to say 'GO'. So no chatting too much and no messin around or trying to get an unfair kill on someone who is watching trying to learn something!! You will get kicked!

Ok........i think that about covers it. Please guys....i'd like some feedback on my suggestions.

  1. Azazel is to step down in the TC - After almost 3 yrs service i have decided to step down in the TC as Commodore of the ISDII Grey Wolf. The TC has become sloppy and boreing. There are other factors behind this decision also, but i will not go into them. This is'nt a bad thing, i can now concentrate on the part of my career that seems to be going much better right now, and where there is the most hope!!

  2. House Activity - Now after this week my eyes will be 100% on this house. I want to see more of you using the mailing group to talk and sort out matches etc, or info for the training night etc. I also want to see you guys mail your availability. Afterall..........we cannot enter comps with just 5 people active out of 17 right?? So comeon you slappers!! Get talking and get your butts to the training night! Easy CF's for you! Hopefully we'll be able to keep this Kirleta only, but if some other CSK members turn up, thats ok. I just hope they can follow rules and behave. We need to all get more active, ideling on mIRC is not helping the House, training and getting something for it IS! We have to prepare for another feud/vendetta and also for the weekly comps. You know what to do!

  3. Recruitment - Ok i wanna have more peeps in the House, but what i don't wanna see is idle riders coming in who will do nothing! I want active people and those willing to do something for the greater good of this House. I don't want the same old people doing things all the time and getting all the credit. I want to see ALL of you doing something, and getting in some new members who will do the same. So i am bringing in a new House policy.

i) If a new recruit does not send any communication to either his/her SGT, the AED or the QUA - they will be removed from the roster after 1 month of joining. (Late replies will be ignored).

ii) No activity for long periods of time will mean removal from the House.

iii) Recruiting from the Rogue list is forbiddon! Unless your approached first! They left because they did'nt have the time once before, they won't probaly change if they get asked back! This does'nt apply to all, but i feel it does for most though.

iv) Any abusive mails or actions from the new recruit should be reported to the SGT of that person straight away. If the SGT cannot control the new recruit, then try the AED and then ME! If it continues there'll be hell to pay.

Just a few things to remember there gents when trying to recruit. I don't want dead weights in the house, i want active peeps who will bring glory to the House and not shame.

House Activity.


NOV Brat Stone - ACO

ACO Jari - PRT

Congrats guys!


GRD Markr - CF

JH Reza - x4 CF's

Crescent w/Amethyst Star (A) - JH Reza


OW Exar Khaland - Rogue to House Kirleta.

Welcome aboard m8!


This is a new comp being ran for ALL members of CSK, it is being ran by DJM Shups. Please read and then sign up for it with your choice of partner.


Sorry for yet another mail from me tonight...work, work, work! Pleh :P

Anyhow, there is a big comp coming up called the Master Student Comp III (MSC 3). Signups are due OCT 20. Plenty of time!!!! All details can be found here:


This is a great way to get your members to DJK and have fun. I currently have one member who mailed me from Kirleta to get in. It's writing though and that needs to be stressed to the peeps.

That's my 36 cents.


~Shum Meister~


The October Clan comp!


The following lists the details that I will be running for the Clan during October. Well, atleast one that is Clan wide, approved by the dear Drako.

I am going to be pairing peeps up, and would like to know from the QUA's if any members should be excluded due to LOA or AWOL, whatever. The comp starts October 1st. I would like cooperation in getting this to your house by the QUA's. Please CC me. Any submissions not in by the due date will result in a loss by that member. Summit leaders will be included. This should be a FUN one! Any questions please mail me...... [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Competition Name: Hacker's Helper: A Guide to Computers in Satal Keto

Competition Start: 10/01/2002

Competition End: End of October

Competitors: Clan Satal Keto

Competition Medals: Crescents: 1st, 2nd, 3rd respectively Amethyst, Sapphire, Emerald, in that order, from first to third.

Comp Details:

Every member of Satal Keto is set against one another one on one randomly. QUA Shups will send you a line of code that is a computer error message. You must simply give an answer as to what this line means in "laymens" terms. Simpler, that is. Each round will see victors and will continue until it comes down to a 1v1. Each round receives a new code. Then a winner will be determined. Top 3 finalists get awards.

An example:

You are working at your computer and suddenly get this error message:

"Error 6973: Windows default carrier has encountered an error."

You can't even move your mouse! So what doe it mean? A sample reply might be...

"Answer: Windows 98 has not found the file it has found for the last 2 years. Rebooting will fix this...hopefully."

This is a quick comp, designed to build up houses. Each phase should be completed in 3 days and may run over or before the end of October. It has been endorsed by CON Drako of Satal Keto.


~Masta Shups~



1)First in order of business Sorry i was gone for most of last week lots of RL stuff going on

2)Now for the new guys there is a Comp going on the details are September comp for those who have been waiting for 2 weeks here is the current points standings: Reza 197

Markr 95

Gryffon 75

Jari 30

now those may look like a big lead but remeber this is points for kills so get out there & give reza a run for the money.

3)There are numerous Comps running in the Clan check the clan & othere house reports & get into them they look like they could be fun. On a side note now that we have 2 Srg's again I'm going to take Oct off from running a comp so the Srg's can crank up thier brigades on some Comps.

So that's it this week go bust some chops & get me the screens & compete in the clan comps

OBM Waza.

AED of House Kirleta.

Well....Chin chin.......do carry on with your mud pies!!

Until nex time......take care of yourselves.......and eachother!!

Respectfully submitted.

In loyal servitude of Clan Satal Keto.

COM/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/ISDII Grey Wolf

SSx3/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Tie Shadow -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,

(SC)/(SE-WG)/(BN) {SA Core: S:ISET}

LG/HNR Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg {DGA-Core}

"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est."


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