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AED report # 2
This was a very interesting week , I get new procedures from my new RL job and we have a new Roolmaster .
I like to say that SBM Pyralis joined us with a lot motivation and good ideas , I love this in a member of Galthain.
Astatine resigned as DGM .
SBM Pyralis joined Galthain House and was promoted to Rollmaster position , he is doing a AWOL check over the Galthain e-group , all pilots must answer to his e-mail .
PCON Gord Darkonian was awarded with the Saphire Blade , good work and well deserved Gord , I know that you worked very hard to achieve this .
We have a new member in the house , be welcome DJK Talon JAde to House Galthain .
In & Out
SBM Pyralis > Roolmaster
DJK Talon Jade > From House Ludo Kressh to House Galthain .
Crescent w/ Emerald Star > DJK DarkHawk
Crescent w/ Saphire Star > ACO Ashmaster.
Our house is growing and I'm very pleased with that , keep the good work Jedis.
Thats all to AED report , if anyone wanna talk with me in private send a message to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
**_DJK Bobxavi (Sith)/AED/Galthain of Satal Keto
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