Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

This weekend marks six months as Chancellor for me! Yes, in six months I've managed to turn the entire medal system upside down and instate several reforms that have, I think, helped us all for the better. So please forgive me if I gloat just a little over my accomplishments ;) I'd like to thank Firefox and Astatine for giving me the opportunity as Chancellor and the membership of the Brotherhood! Without you all, I'd have no one to give medals to and though I may grumble now and again, some of the errors that the membership has pointed out to me has aided in my revisions. So, thank you all :)

Speaking of errors, there's been a few disputes about what Novas are to be awarded for. After talking it over with the Dark Council, nothing pertinent will be changed. However, I want to make the following provisos known so that everyone understands what competitions Novas are given for. In fact, there are only two competitions they're given for, Great Jedi Wars and Rites of Supremacy. Clan Feuds will no longer be rewarded with Novas, so please do not ask or recommend them. Clan-level Crescents will be the award, along with the possessions that each Clan puts up for bid. If possessions are to be fought for, then you must declare them to me, the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master Firefox for our approval.

As an aside on competitions, only me, the DGM and GM have the authority to approve competitions. So, if you want a competition to be approved, send it to one or all of us.

That's all for this week.

Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)

Requested for: JH Sukuth (Obelisk)

The request was made by: OBM Ziguarath (Obelisk)

Reason given for request: JH Sukuth has proven himself time and time again not only is he one of the most respected players of JK2 within the DB but he continues to wark hard within his house as well as the GMRG. JH Sukuth is also involved with a clan project which he has taken in his stride along with the duties of Acting SGT for Armoured Fist and his work as Rollmaster. He has earned this award for his continuous efforts within the DB.

Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)

Requested for: OBM Mage (Obelisk)

The request was made by: KE Troutrooper (Krath)

Reason given for request: OBM Mage not only created a new SA course (Obelisk CORE), but has aided me in my duties as HM superbly. Mage is always available to do my bidding, and this is just a small token of my appreciation of his work. I wish I had hired him sooner as he has really made my job much easier.

<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top">Pontifex Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood

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