Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<head> <title>Aed Report</title> </head>

AED Report

1)this week has seen the completetion of another house comp with some impressive numbers turned in by those who took part; sadly there were only 4 yes i said 4 people who took part, out of 18 in the house thats less than 5% participation.

2)the placement of finishers are <table border="1"> <tr><td>JH Reza: 197</td></tr> <tr><td>Grd Markr: 95</td></tr> <tr><td>OBM Gryffon: 75</td></tr> </table>

your medals have been submitted as of press time.

3)This month I'm taking a break of hosting a monthly house comp so the Sarg's can get somthing going on the brigade level. Dont forget the numerous JK2 nights in #obelisk, make sure you get to our own training night when posssible, I realize there is a whole time thing here just let your Srg knwo why you can't be there.

4)Do the Clan Comps!!!!! this is for everyone in the clan so take part.

Now go recruit active peeps!!!

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