Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD morning SotN! And welcome to the thirteenth

installment of the Tetrach report of the week. Bweha. Since Page is gone,

I'll be filling in tonight for the oh-so-crucial job of telling you what

everyone else in the Phyle has been doing this past week.

But first it's time to restate every competition email still current!

Hacker's Help [Clan]

The initial round finished up today. Those of you who remember to submit,

start preparing for round two. (Your from SotN, of course you'll win,

right? Right?)

Monthly Runon [House]


There have only been 4 posts. Where's your team spirit, people?! OK, so I

haven't posted yet either. But I will! Oh yes.

Speciality/Emblem [DB]

This one's been started by Firefox himself. He's looking for ideas on what

specialities to give to each clan as a RP tool. If we have no cool

submissions, we'll be stuck with whatever's left. That's how it works.

The GM's also looking for Clan Emblems, described as "something small and

simple that could be used to represent your Clan on a map." How cool would

it be to see your graphic used to represent the Clan in the upcoming

Wargame, eh?

And now, on to the section I've always personally thought of as


ACO Dalthid-

Aleema Vacation Package (House Comp.),

Krath Monthly Comp

Clan Emblem Comp.

Sith Flight Studies Course

Bonding with the frequenters of #csk on IRC. Aww.

PRT TK-7764-

Won warning labels comp

Awarded Crescent with Amathist Star for said comp

Working on Krath Monthly Poem

Joined Krath Combat Center

Clan Speciality comp.

Working on Hackers Help comp.

GRD Minerva Ramirez-

Erm. Top Secret Projects.

Cheering on the Skins. </To Shups>

Made a vow to never again write a report on no sleep.

GRD Page Meridian-

He's off doing his RL thing, helping spread darkness to the land of Texas.

It needs the help, you see.

DA Orso-

Dying to RP.

Keeping in constant contact with everyone via email and IRC.(Except for me,

which is why I dunno what else she's done. =P)

ACO Jagged Fel, JH Gryphon Garou and KPN Arion Sunrider-

Breathing, I assume.

That wraps the report up. I'm sure we'll all be thrilled to see Page return

from his LOA for the next report. ;P

  • GRD Minerva Ramirez (Krath)/TYR/Aleema of Sal Keto

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