Consul Report


Consul Report


SBL Jeff Loruss Reporting in for Clan Taldryan

Report # 23






5>SA Test Results-


7>CONSUL’s Thoughts


TCC is now open for the new run please go sign up and play!!!

Get ready to go to War PCON Predator has gotten us into a three way Feud so be ready for that.

You may have noticed the new E-group. Well it is new and in that tradition that is Tally I asked for a cool name. So if anyone doesn’t like it I will point my finger at FreshJive and Sharad!!! :P

The GM’s request is in and we have to have a short vote on which of two missions need to be the one to use. PCON pred and all QUA/AED please vote to me personally for either-



One of those two please. As I said we will be using Former CONSUL GM Jac’s Emblem that he made up for the other half of what the GM wants from us.

Yesterday Crix stepped down from QUA of Archanis. So today the QUA spot is open for APPS. You may find the requirements for the position on

Finally with the new E-group I would like to start a Clan wide AWOL Check. All members of all three houses Please send a quick mailing to your QUA/AED stating you are alive. For house Archanis please send that to AED Janson. I think a two week period will be good enough. So you must have reported in by the 20th of October 12 am EST. or you will most likely take a trip to the rogue lists.

All Qua’s must send me their lists by the 21st at 12am EST.

<2-Joins Parts /AWOL‘s>

Requesting Member: DJK Ryo (Obelisk)

Name changed to: Ryo Akaine

NOV Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (Obelisk)

NOV Nimravus (Obelisk)


Recommendation for: Acidic (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Protector (PRT)

New Rank: Guardian (GRD)

Recommendation for: Zero (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)

New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)

Recommendation for: Destavol Gin (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)

New Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)


Cluster of Fire-

NOV Phr00t-1

DJK Destoval Gin-1

DJK Mordin Malchia (Obelisk)-2

NOV Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (Obelisk)-2

DJK Destavol Gin (Obelisk)-4

JH Shadow Warrior (Obelisk)-1

GRD Acidic (Obelisk)-1

NOV Vicar (Obelisk)-1

That makes Destavol Gin this week’s winner!!

<5-SA Test Results>

Congratulations Mordin Malchia (Obelisk), you have successfully completed

the Shadow Academy's "PHASE 1".

Mordin Malchia (Obelisk), this mail is to inform you that you have

successfully completed the Shadow Academy "PHASE 2"


ACC- Archanis Combat Consortium- We have started a new two month run please go sign up and for those new to it make sure to read the rules J

This URL will be staying the same , and also JKII has been added to the list of games to be played.

Those being

1st place- Crescent W/Ruby Star ( R )

2nd place- Crescent W/Amethyst Star (A)

3rd place- Crescent W/Sapphire Star (S)

Scavenger Hunt-

Hunt #1- Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #2-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #3- Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #4- DJK Kermee

Hunt #5-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #6-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #7-Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #8-Kevin Pryde

Hunt #9-GRD Angelus

Hunt #10- Will be held until the TC site has been brought back up. I always use that as a means to finding something to scavenge for :P

<7-CONSUL‘s Thoughts>

Sort of a quiet week welcome aboard to all the new people. COGRATS to those earning a promo this week!!

Keep up the awesome work!!!!

SBL Jeff Loruss(Sith)/CON/Clan Taldryan


Former Sith Academy Instructor- {SA:DfSS}

Former P:SHW

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