Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Yes, for those of you who couldn't tell from the subject line, (Stop asking what this is MD, you'll find out in a moment), it's time for another report from your friendly (sometimes), neighborhood (well relative), Aedile. (Yes, that would be me).

OK... now that I have over-abused parenthesis (parentheses?).....we move on to the news...and ellipsis..(ellipses?)....well the news is not that much really........there will be a forward following shortly, that is the PCON report....which contains all the Clan I will focus in on House with no more grammatical abuses....we begin

As I'm sure you have heard by now, Stingray has been reopened with a group of transfer members. Please make them all welcome here in Tridens and Tarentum. Please do not damage their fighters (or the pilots) beyond repair, as we will need them.

Sub-Zero has been challenged, and has accepted the challenge, from Black Omega Squadron, of House Ronin. They will be competing on all three platforms. Wish them luck.

If you are still Masterless, or Apprenticeless, please let me know ASAP. Since we have no Trials Master at this time, I am still running that, and in connection with that, I want to make sure all of our eligible candidates are properly supported during their Trials.

If you do not understand anything about how our Trials System, or Master/Apprentice system works, please, email me, or catch me online, and ask me. I will be more than happy to explain.

Starting next month, I am going to begin having an AED comp each month. Each month it will be something different, so keep on your toes. Awards will be given, providing there is enough participation (There must be at least 5 entries to have an award given (Emerald Star), and at least 10 entries for a first and second place( Sapphire Star and Emerald Star), at least 20 people must participate for me to award three places (Amethyst, Sapphire and Emerald Stars). (awards are subject to change)

This of course brings up my last point, right now the House stands at 25 members, if the house were say 40 members, there would be greater awards given for AED comps. Need I say more? Yes, you say? OK then, not only will I give out greater awards more often, but we will have the satisfaction of having fuller Battle-Teams, which will lead to easier times winning such events as the Sith League, which will not only bring us prestige and honor, but points for custom fighters, it will also give us more targets, and more perpetrators, for pranks and jokes, more people to fuel our run-ons, and many more graphics, battles, missions, and ideas in general to fill up our website, which will have more hands to work on it, so it will all be better, so avoid run-on sentences, and go get new members!

(For this week's bonus, I included a free set of lessons on how NOT to write, so if any of you are doing the Master/Apprentice competition, please do not use my examples in the positive sense!).

Go now Tridens, and grow our Darkness


WO/AD Pel/SSSD Sovereign [T/D "Falchion"]

[GSx2] [SSx2] [BSx4] [PC] [ISMx3] [MoI] [MoT -rh] [LoCx3] [MoC-13D-25P-14G-11S-16B] [CoL] [CoB] [OV-3E]


SBL (Sith)/AED/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum, GC/(SC)/DC/(BN)/CoL

"In Obscuritas Credemus"

The Anla'shok - "We're Watching You"

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