Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>

Yet another slow slow week. The biggest news this week in the house is not good news. Aedile CrimsonAngel has been removed from his position due to being AWOL for over three weeks. The Crimster served the house well and its a big loss. At this time I do not intend on filling the position, so HPG will be AEDless (again) for a short time.

So with the loss of CrimsonAngel, I will be once again dealing with the house point system. So all activities should be sent to me so I may award you your points and thus getting you promotions. Just to clarify, when you play a JK match you must tell me more than just whether you won or loss, but I also need to know whom you played and where. As you only receive HPG points for matches either against another HPG member or in a DB or EH sanctioned combat (IE. #EHCOC, #obelisk).

Also the KOT2 results will be delayed due to CrimsonAngel's dissapearance. Hopefully I can resolve this situation as well.

Anyway, thats life so far in HPG. Keep up the good work all.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • AWOL Check

  • Current Competitions

  • Awards and Promotions

  • Roster Updates

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>S..T..U..F..F</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - AWOL Check

If you haven't replied.........DO SO!

#002 - Current Competitions


On the CNS message board (http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?p=29502) our Kings of Tomorrow run-on has moved under a high priority for the house. While we are invading the HLK fortress; members of HLK will be trying to defend it. So go there and start posting, we must defeat them.


Bob's Monthly Melee


A new month, A new melee.

Report all matches to me. Good Luck.

#003 - Awards and Promotions

Lets Start with Medals:


And now Promotions:


#004 - Roster Updates

A big drunken HPG welcome to Acolyte Karhu!

And a big drunken HPG goodbye to Novice akira.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>DARK ANGELS</td> </tr> </table>

Hey guys let me start this off by saying I'm back, I had alot of RL things to take care of and I had time cuz my internet was off, well I have cable modem now and I'm running at 100.0Mbps so thats pritty bad ass to me

Reports OK good everyone has been reporting to me , I'm gonna get a new Email address soon I'll give it out when thats up.

I receltly purchased Half Life Platinum Pack so I love Counter Strike but I'm gonna make a balance between games so i will still play Jk2 just not as much.

From what I can tell everyone is doing good and you know who you are, but I think soon were gonna have to cut some "fat" on the team.

I'm making this short I know cuz I gotta get caught up on all my Emails' I got flooded bad.

Everyone get in as many tourney's that you can and we have a new feud coming up very soon and I want us to take a victory badly.

Everyone keep up the good work and lets make CNS #1

Blitz out

That is all!

OBM Bob(Obelisk)/QUA/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow

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