Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Hey all! First off sorry this week's report is uber late. Some work schedule changes hit me hard. Here is a brief report #6!

Page is away on leave due to RL. Dalthid or Min can one of you take over as acting TET for SotN for at least this week? Let me know ASAP.

We also have a new member. Let's all welcome Drake Gruil!!

Drake is also the newest member of the Angels of Death! (Note to self add him to the egroups :P)

Your TET, Tronsta can bring you up to speed on all that is happening and how to get promoted. Also, and really for everyone check the MB for the latest!


There is a murder mystery league thingy that I will have to inform you of shortly. Look for details after this.

Hackers Helper Round 4 will be out momentarily.

Yikes I think that is it. I gotta get caught up on mails.

~Quaestor Shups~

FM/COL Shups/Tau 3-4/MC Tripidium


LoC-PS x279/DFC-SWx10/MoC-BoCx7/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E

[LGNR] [Top-ACE-3rd] [Former XA-TA]

Dark Jedi Master (Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto,



"Keeping the Talent Happy"

Dossier #367 TIE Corps PIN #1452


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