Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report.



OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr.


Greetings Pop pickers!

Well i got some news for you all, i am forced to take a weeks leave as of today. Seems i forgot that my Fiance had the week off and forgot to mention anything to anybody. But as i had a very busy weekend i was forced to do alot of running around and therefore was too tired to do my report or find the time.

But anyways.......we're all here now so lets get on with things cuz i need a early night......bigtime!


  1. QUA goin on leave - As i said i'll be off all of this week and i'll be back Next Monday. I beleive me and my Fiance are going away for a bit to have a break from eveything. OBM Waza is in charge of the House until my return.

  2. House Promo guidline - This was the work of OBM Waza with help from myself and GRD Markr. Please take note on what's required for each rank. If you want a promo then i suggest you guys start to get active and get motivated asap!

Nov. to ACO. complete history

ACO. - PRT. 1 trn night & 3 cf's in obbie chan comps or 3 matches with srg and 2 months in rank

PRT. - GRD. 3 trn nights & 6 cf;s in chan comps or 1st,2nd,3rd in house comp and 3 mo in rank

GRD.- JH. 1st or second in house comp & 5 training nights or 20 cf in DB events 3 mo in rank

JH. - DKJ. 1st or 2nd place in official DB comps on #ehcoc and #obelisk, 6 mo in rank active in recruiting mebers & help train troopers in training nights 5 times

OW. & up please the CON & P:CON with activity

Very easy to obtain these ranks if you are active enough!! Time in rank does not count in the DB, you have to do something to earn it.

  1. Hackers Helper comp - Is in its last stages now with few contestants remaining. Good luck to all, and any of you who have made it to this stage.

  2. PCON Gord's - Speciality & emblem comp - The Speciality comp is now closed to entries and we're all still waiting to see who has won this comp. The Emblem comp is still running, though for any further info please mail PCON Gord for more in depth details. Fingures crossed and hope someone from this house wins one or if not both comps ;)

House Activity.


none this week :(


Cluster of Fire.

PRT Brat Stone x2

PRT Jari

GRD Markr x2

DJH Reza x4

SA courses.

DB Leadership Studies.

DJH Cray Mikalen

Basic Obelisk Order studies,

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr.

DJH Cray Mikalen.



DJK Ari - House Galthain to House Kirleta.

Welcome to the Order of the Obelisk and to House Kirleta ;)


Nobody Yay! :D



1)Quiet week; some medals out kudos to those who do kick butt.

2)I'd like to get some ideas what you all want to do for a Nov. house comp. mail me by WED so i can get things lined up.

3)the new promo guide for what you need to do:

nov to aco complete history ACO - PRT 1 trn night & 3 cf's in obbie chan comps or 3 matches with srg and 2 months in rank PRT - GRD 3 trn nights & 6 cf's in chan comps or 1st,2nd,3rd in house comp and 3 mo in rank GRD- JH 1st or second in house comp & 5 training nights or 20 cf in DB events 3 mo in rank JH - DKJ 1st or 2nd place in official DB comps on #ehcoc and #obelisk, 6 mo in rank active in recruiting mebers & help train troopers in training nights 5 times OW & up please the CON & P:CON with activity

OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto, GC/(SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BN)/(CFx3)/CoL

"One shall stand ,,,,,, one shall fall"

Klux Martin Jedi Knight

Bubba the hutt(I'll fill in the rest when the Fringe page is updated)

Jedi Outcast Map section!

Some maps submitted by OBM Waza for you guys to have a look at. So if you want any of them, then just hit the download button. Please feel free to send in any reviews about any level you do try out and your comments will be added in the report. Please mention the map name and a short description.














Respectfully Submitted.

Chin-chin (cya next week)

RSV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves

SSx3/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Tie Shadow -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,


LG/HNR Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg {DGA-Core}

"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est."


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