Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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     SW Gidda reporting in for  Battle Team    Nightmare    Squadron of

Caliburnus, 10/24/02

Battleteam News:

  • Yay, a lot of medals landed in our basket case this week! SW Artyis received Cr-S, Cr-E x2 and Cr-T. I got Cr-S x2 and Cr-E x2.

  •       Holy Sith! I've been promoted to Battlemaster. This means free drinks for Caliburnus during the week :-)  
  • The HC run-on is still open! Visit: and leave a post. I'm gonna create a XWA mission (who knows, maybe a battle) based on the plotline of this run-on.

  • Don't forget to visit the House Training web site at A Dark Cross will be awarded upon the completion of 3 House Training courses.

** Current Orders:**

  • House Flight Competition:

TIE-FREE 106<o:p>/o:p

XWA-FREE 68<o:p>/o:p


Your pilot files are due by Monday (10/28/02) to AED Kane Reese ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), RM Zekk Terrik ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and me. It's important that you fly AT LEAST one of those free missions, <font color="#ff0000">we must achieve a 75% participation!</font>

** Activity Reports:**

** - SBM Gidda**

Promoted to SBM

Awarded Cr-S x2, Cr-E x2

Completed TC_TIE 185, TC_XvT 17

Updated Nightmare homepage

- PRT Klaus Steiner

None, please report in!

- SW Artyis

Awarded Cr-S, Cr-E x2, Cr-T

- DJK Dolza

   None, please report in!  

** - GRD Slawter Thren**

Stays in contact, IRC activity

** - ACO Altar**

None, please report in!

** - JH Zzyhtnu**

Reported in, can't fly due to busy RL

** - JH A. G. Snijglau**

Stays in contact, IRC activity

<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="2" width="75%"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center">
Consular Pilot

          <td valign="top">**

<font color="#ff3333" size="2">SBM Gidda (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae</font>
<font color="silver" size="-1">GC/(SC-SoP)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-1T-4E-2S-7A-1R-2D/CF/MoT-1RH/CoL


  </font>**<font color="silver" size="-1">-- Consular Pilot (October 2002) --</font>

          </small></small></small>**    </small></td>

</table> <small> </small>

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