Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Dark Greetings,


Well no new people this week, so please go get recruiting :)

Although I am happy with our people taking part in the JK2 comps, I am disappointed at overall activity, I hope this will improve when competitions start happening.


Well after weeks of saying 'I am going to get some comps out' I finally have something :-)

This competition is open to all members of house Cestus except me (so that means I will expect a submission from you too Gelton :-) ).

You need to design a banner for the new house website, it should be 100 pixels high by 600 long, be designed to go on a black background, use no copywrited material and preferably have a theme that goes with the house (A Cestus was a type of armoured glove). Above all I will be looking for originality.

A Crescent with Sapphire Star for the winner and a crescent with Emerald Star for the second place holder.

Last submission date is the 16th of November.


Armoured Fist : The armoured fist website is going to be delayed with no estimate available.

Sergeant Obscurus is on the warpath about activity (or lack of it), he has my full support on this as high activity is a priority for any house.

Blades of Malice : Sergeant Sukuth will be on a leave of absence the 8th and the 9th of this month.

BoM will be having a weekly training session at 1600 GMT (1100 EST) each Sunday in #Tarentum on the UnderNet.

DJK Talon Zetar (Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: CRU-S]


FM/LCM Talon Zetar/Talon 3-3/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

PC/MoT-1gh/CoB/OV-3E [LANC] {IWATS-M/1/2-SM/2-XAM

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