Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings Sisters and Brothers

this is my first report and I am glad that I have lots of great news for you :)

First I want to welcome a new member in our Phyle Siterath Goersase. I am sure after seeing already some of your work that you will be a great and hard working member. :) My door is always open for you.

Second I want to annonce very delightful news. Jade Avius got third in the Monthly Poem topic and got a shiny and well deserved medal :) Congrats! Keep up the good work.

If we are already on Monthly topics there is a new one out:

Fiction: Ray of Light

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Poetry: Honour

Format: .doc, .txt, .rtf

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Genre: Any - you choose!

Run-on: An old city has been discovered in a desert of a remote planet. A team from your House is sent there to investigate it, but whilst they are there a memberof the team is murdered/dies in suspicious circumstances. There is a possibility that this has been carried out by infiltration by rival Houses/Clans. Investigate the death, ever mindful of the dangers you face on a possibly hostile world.

Format: .doc, zipped; QUA/AED of House should submit

Due by: 11.59pm, 30th November

Rules: As determined by Quaestor or Aedile - submissions should be zipped in a Word document before submission however.

Then I would like to tell you that our** first competition for the Phyle** is done. The competition has two different topics and you can only choose one (thats for this competition I thought we just start easy next time, when I figured all the administartive things out we can have even bigger comps) You can choose between either:

** Story writting: **

** topic:** "A usual day in a Mystics life"

** lenght:** min 1 page (Arial 12pt)

** file format:** txt, doc

**decription:** The idea is that I thought about what we Mystic members do the whole day. Do we go to courses and trainings? or do we work on artefacts and books. Are we having special daily rituals? Do we have a cantina where we all eat togehter? And so on. Please note that of course it should be a quite normal day, you can add funny, exciting, sad events but dont over do it. So no 400 Jedis killed daily :P otherwise we have nothing to do anymore the other days :P  


** Poem writting:**

** topic:** "Black Hole"

** lenght:** up to you

** genre:** also up to you (but I would love to see some experiments. Just try out some fun genres)

** format:** txt, doc

General information: Begin: 10th November

End: 24th November (12pm CET-6pm EST)

medals! : First in each genre (poem-story) Emerald Star, second Topaz Star, third Quarz Star.

I hope to get a lot of great entries and that you like the topics as well. Mail me contact me if you dont like it or if you have some ideas. I want that we have lots of fun and I need your help so we can create fun comps :)

I am almost done dont worry. I also like to encourage you to maybe, if you are into JK or ´XvT/XWA, to partake in the DB wide comps. I saw a couple of JK tourneys starting soon every Sat, Sun and every second Sun in a month a team like event. Info on the db mainwebsite or just come and ask me :)

For those who are in the Master and Student comp good luck :) Soon Task 3 will come!

I would also like you to submit to the Dark Voice. It's what I call an easy earned medal (hides from the DV editors). You can only win by submitting you get either a Dark Scroll or if you get topic/image/entry of the month a Dark Cross. :)

Okay Okay I am finally done :P I hope to get soon some entries to the comp :) and have fun :P

Tet Rage Akaido :P

PS: Website changes are in progress. Any ideas? graphics? mail them to me: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

I am glad for every help :)

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