Consul Report


Consul Report


SBL Jeff Loruss Reporting in for Clan Taldryan

Report # 28






5>SA Test Results-


7>CONSUL’s Thoughts


TCC is in the second half of this run please go sign up and play!!!

In the latest news from the Tally Channel we cut directly to a grisly scene that had happened just hours before.

Channel OP Police- What happened here??

Tiger- Well Coranel was being his usual self (annoying) :P so I decided to stuff him up Shar’s Hiney to see what popped out the other end.

Channel OP Police- So what happened after that??

Tiger- Well right after I did that Coranel Promptly died from the smell and out popped a Swiper Doll go figure.

Channel OP Police- Well that explains why we have seen Shar and Swiper hanging out together a lot :P

Yes I know I embellished on it but its pretty close to what was said in channel and I added the police dude :P However if you wanna be in the news. Then you need to hang out in Channel #taldryan and do something that I will remember before my next report J

The three was feud between Alvaak,CSP, and us is getting closer to being ready we are now discussing things like story plotlines and events for each part of the feud.

<2-Joins Parts /AWOL‘s>

Requesting Member: GRD Blade (Krath)

Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Requesting Member: DJK Destavol Gin (Obelisk)

Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OBL Ehart Dak`wind (Obelisk), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Battle Team Dark Infantry Elite

Transfering To: Rogue

GRD Astarosta (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Rogue

Transfering To: House Archanis

GRD Zhaim Jifarr (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Battle Team Crimson Vanguard

Transfering To: Rogue

JH Brouillard (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Battle Team Hyperion Flight

Transfering To: House Tridens


Recommendation for: Zhaim Jifarr (Sith)

Old Rank: Protector (PRT)

New Rank: Guardian (GRD)

Recommendation for: Face Loran (Krath)

Old Rank: Protector (PRT)

New Rank: Guardian (GRD)


Cluster of Fire-

List of winners by week since starting-

NOV Phr00t-1

DJK Destoval Gin-1

GRD Acidic-1

ACO Shaithis-2

Weekly awards-

ACO Shaithis (Obelisk)-4

DJK Destavol Gin (Obelisk)-2

That makes Shathis the winner again this week. Excellent!!!

Shaithis please respond to this mailing directly to me and let me know if you want to go for a higher medal or take the one you have already won. However should you not win three more weeks in a row then you will lose the medal you have won already and will have to start over again.

Bragging rights this week go out to Shaithis !!!

<5-SA Test Results>

Blade (Krath), this message is to inform you that you have passed the

Obelisk Basic Studies Course.

Blade (Krath), this message is to inform you that you have passed the Sith

Basic Studies Course.

Astarosta (Sith)--

Congratulations! You have passed the Sith Flight Studies: Imperial

Starfighter Engineering and Technology course!


ACC- Archanis Combat Consortium- We have started a new two month run please go sign up and for those new to it make sure to read the rules J

This URL will be staying the same , and also JKII has been added to the list of games to be played. These medals have recently been changed. they are now.

Those being

1st place- Crescent W/Amethyst Star (Cr-1A)

2nd place- Crescent W/Sapphire Star (Cr-1S)

3rd place- Crescent W/Emerald Star (Cr-1E)

Scavenger Hunt-

Hunt #1- Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #2-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #3- Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #4- DJK Kermee

Hunt #5-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #6-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #7-Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #8-Kevin Pryde

Hunt #9-GRD Angelus

Hunt#10-Coranel Both

Hunt #11-Coranel Both

This week’s winner is Coranel Both he answered with the correct URL and Pic attached.

He is the quickest so far for any of the hunt’s

Hunt #12- Ok this one should keep COR hopping to find it :P

I need the URL to this small line from a manual in the EH.


word is absolute, and his orders are to be followed at all times.

Yes I left a word blank but only to not make it to easy :P so find me the link the first one wins!!!

<7-CONSUL‘s Thoughts>

slow week for medals and such but that’s ok Shar told me from looking at his COCK program everyone is doing nicely J

Keep up the awesome work!!!!

SBL Jeff Loruss(Sith)/CON/Clan Taldryan


Former Sith Academy Instructor- {SA:DfSS}

Former P:SHW

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