Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Greeting Jedis,

This is QUA report #5, dating 16.11.2002.


With joy I can report that the activity in Cestus is finally noticable on the rise. After weeks of inactivity more and more members are returning to active status. But despite the growing activity there are still members who are still only names on the roster and not active members of Cestus. In Order to filter out these people my sctivity monitoring is still going on. Because of missunderstandings how I meant the activity monitoring, I will explain it once more this time hopefully clearer this time: You as members of Cestus have three posibilites to prevent being kicked out of the House due to inactivity:

  1. A reply to this or the next two reports of me, stating I´m here or I´m alive, because this is the SECOND activity check mail.


2.Showing precence on IRC or taking part in competitions wether house or DB. Me and my staff will log all appearances on IRC or any competion. If you show yourself there you can stay in Cestus


  1. Taking part in the House Feud between Cestus and Galeres that starts on the 20th. If your activity is recorded in that feud you are allowed to stay in Cestus.

I hope this clarifies the matter. If you still have questions about it feel free to contact me.

As usual I´m pasting the RM report here:


Gelton:- been on IRC daily

  • organized House feud with Warrior and Dagger

  • took part with my APP Rage Maki in the DJD comp hosted by Sukuth and Eoth

  • took care of the day to day business of House Cestus

  • applied for GMRG membership and was accepted. I´m now GMRG:INI

  • played multiple trainings matches with several Cestides

Sen Hart:

Thus far this week, I have managed to Idle on IRC, but have not really had

the time for other then that. Most of the time on IRC, I haven't really been

around anyway.

Rage Maki:another exciting activity report. So what did I do the whole week.

I wrote a story about an Obelisk Technique. I made a banner for the Cestus

banner comp. I played several matches against different people. I even

participated in the DJK comp together with Gelton. Unfortunatley we lost

already in the first round 3:1 against Reza and Daryan. I didn't win a

single match. But I heard that I had Reza down to 30hp. I practiced a lot

wit my master Gelton. I became TET last week in Gladius therefore i have to

organize my time quite a lot. Now I am working on the Temple comp and try to

figure out how to draw such stuff. Iam as usual daily on IRC and on the MB.

Thats it :P

Tygarin Cypher:-played in a weekend tourney in #EHCOC and won 2 medals

-spent an inordinate period of time on IRC

-played more JK2 than is probably healthy.

Eoth:I have been around every day again, on IRC. Participating in Tourney's

(One was the Dark Jedi Duels, which I invented and hosted together with

Sukuth). I helped out other new JK2 players like Cypher and LR with moves

and just training.

I also did a lot of work on the Cestus map I am (still) naking and am happy

too say I will finish it at the end of the month!

But the biggest thing, and also mainly why i have taken up writing AR's

again is that I promoted to Battle team SGT of BoF. So I have to give them

folks an example how and what to do when being involved with the DB :)

And thus I also wrote my first BT report and am currently thinking up a new


Sukuth:- active on both IRC and mails

  • hosted a first Dark Jedi Duels in history with Eoth Kun (JK2 comp)

  • created a website for Blades of Malice battleteam

  • got promoted in GMRG to a Gladiator status

  • trying to recruit some more members for Cestus (as always anyway)

Zekk: -Been busy with school so havent done a lot

  -More Updating to my website  

  -Came on IRC Once  

  -This Report  

Two Reports to be added:

Marcus Gladius Octavianus:

  • IRC Activity: Often

  • AF Comp: Fiction Submission

  • Personal Webpage Upgrade: 10% Complete


  • Wensday : Been on IRC

  • Thursday : Been on IRC

  • Friday : Been in IRC and played JK2 with Mallu

  • Saturday : Been on IRC

These are the reports for this week, let´s see if there are more next week


The only competition I will announce here is the House feud between Cestus and Galeres. I can proudly announce that the feud has been approved and starts on wednesday the 20th November and lasts for 21 days. The competitions and rules Warrior, Dagger and me came up with are the following:

Rules - Cestus-Galeres-Feud

There will be 3 ladders for this competition, one in JK1, one in JK2, and

one in Fiction.

JK1 Ladder

The JK1 ladder will be scored as a basic ladder, with the following rules:

  • Players will be awarded 10 ladder points for a win, and 3 ladder points for

a loss.

  • 1 on 1 matches only - No 2v2 or FFA matches will be counted!

  • Matches will be played to 5 points or 10 points. The 2 participants must

mutually agree on playing to 5 or 10. Note that there will be no time limit

enforced on matches.

  • In the case of one person challenging another to a match, the challenger

will have choice of guns/sabers and force, where applicable, and the

challengee will have choice of the map to be played on.

  • Only matches between members of different clans will be permitted.

-Games will be reported to all 4 clan summit members by one of the fighters

(Galeres QUA and AED + Cestus QUA + AED) with the email subject line "House

Feud JK1 Match".

-Screenshots may also be attached to the email if desired (JPEG or JPG ONLY

please). In the event of a dispute screenshots will serve as indisputable

visual evidence and will resolve the issue. Participants are encouraged to

take screenshots of the final score of each of their matches and include

them in the e-mail should they report. Better safe than sorry...

-In the event of a dispute which cannot be settled by the members via a

screenshot and such, the house summit members will have final say as to what

happens. Their word on the matter will remain unquestioned.

JK2 Ladder

The JK2 ladder will be scored as a basic ladder, with the following rules:

  • Players will be awarded 10 ladder points for a win, and 3 ladder points for

a loss.

  • 1 on 1 matches only - No 2v2 or FFA matches will be counted!

  • Matches will be played to 5 points or 10 points. The 2 participants must

mutually agree on playing to 5 or 10. Note that there will be no time limit

enforced on matches.

  • In the case of one person challenging another to a match, the challenger

will have choice of guns/sabers and FF/NF, where applicable, and the

challengee will have choice of the map to be played on.

  • Only matches between members of different clans will be permitted.

  • Games will be reported to all 4 clan summit members by one of the fighters

(Galeres QUA and AED + Cestus QUA + AED) with the email subject line "House

Feud JK2 Match".

  • Screenshots may also be attached to the email if desired (JPEG or JPG ONLY

please). In the event of a dispute screenshots will serve as indisputable

visual evidence and will resolve the issue. Participants are encouraged to

take screenshots of the final score of each of their matches and include

them in the e-mail should they report. Better safe than sorry...

  • In the event of a dispute which cannot be settled by the members via a

screenshot and such, the house summit members will have final say as to what

happens. Their word on the matter will remain unquestioned.


This is a rather unusual thing to have in an Obelisk feud we know, but we

chose to add it in order to add another fold into it, and to give Obelisk

the opportunity to do something they don't normally do - write!

The fiction portion will be scored according to the following rules:

  • Participants will submit a piece of fiction writing which pertains to the

battle between Cestus and Galeres. Suggestions could be a duel between some

members of the two houses, a space battle scene, a general combat between

members of the houses, a story about a single member which pertains to the

battle, etc. Use your imagination and make your writing creative!

  • Works must be a minimum of one (1) page typed, single-spaced in 12-point

font - in .txt or .doc format.

  • Works will be submitted to all 4 summit members with the e-mail subject

line: "House Feud Fiction"

  • The 4 summit members will individually give the piece a single grade on a

1-10 (10-high) scale based on their assesment of:

        Grammar/Spelling (doubtful it'll be a factor :P)  




        Overall Quality  
  • The 4 summit members will share their grades with one another, and the

grades will be averaged to calculate a single score for the piece.

  • The person with the highest overall average grade will be declared the

winner. In the event of a tie the house summit members reserve the right to

decide the method of tiebreaker.

  • Participants will be encouraged to submit multiple pieces of writing to

enhance their chances of winning, as long as all of them meet the

requirements. Any additional pieces a person submits will be treated as

separate papers, and its overall score will be averaged in with that of the

original paper (i.e. if a person submits a paper which gets a score of 8,

then another which gets a score of 10, they would be averaged to give this

person a score of 9)

Participants will be awarded a CF for each combat victory in the JK1 and JK2

Ladders. The overall winners of each ladder will be awarded the appropriate


We originally wanted to award for 1st place in the fiction department different medals than crescents, but these were denied by the CHAN although symaphetic to our cause. But he added all participants should sent in their works to the DV so they can get DSS and perhaps a DC for their work extra.

I think that explains everything that is to know about this feud. Now go and show Galeres which is the better Obelisk House. Remember Cestus still holds the title Third House of the Obelisk Order, and proof them why.


Last week MaikoSpince decided to leave Cestus and to join Rogue, I hope he will come back to us one day. But at the same time we got a new member. With great joy I can inform you that OBL Michael Halcyon decided to leave Rogues and to join our ranks. A big and hearty welcome to you Mike, I hope your stay with us will be as much fun as you have hoped. He already did a good deed for Cestus for setting up a yahoogroups for us. The group is [Log in to view e-mail addresses] By now you all should have recived your member mail. In the future I will sent out my reports through this mail group. Well done Mike.

Our roster is therefore unchanged at 24 members and looks like the following:

OBL Michael Halcyon

OW Gelton Torr - QUA

DJK Darkov

DJK Talon Zetar - AED

DJK Glorfindel

JH Blackhero

JH Miack Harlander

JH Sukuth - Battleteam SGT Blades of Malice / Trial Master

JH Zekk - Rolemaster

GRD Eoth Kun - Battleteam SGT Battalion of Fear

GRD Hev Randrowan

GRD Obscurus - Battleteam SGT Armoured Fist

PRT Daryan

PRT Ereinion Qel Droma

PRT Zeth Ni

ACO Aleckz

ACO Maximus Gladius Octavianus

ACO Sen Hart

ACO Son Goku

ACO X-Pilot

ACO RageMaki

NOV Sauron

NOV SmokeyTheBear

NOV Tygarin Cypher


Eoth Kun was elevated to the rank of Guardian for becoming the new SGT of Battalions of Fear. Congratulations Eoth!

At this point I want to correct a mistake I made in my last report. Rage Maki wasn´t elevated to the rank of Protector. She was a Novice and therefore the correct rank is Acolyte. Congrats anyways :-P


Tons of medals this week. If that continues we soon need a bigger Hall of Honor for all these medals :-P

Marcus Gladius Octavianus - Dark Cross for helping to make the new AF website

Tygarin Cypher- CoFx2 and DC for continous level of good activity over the past weeks

Dayran-CoF,Crescent w/ Ruby Star for making 2nd in the new DJD comp.


Obscurus-Crescent w/ Sapphire Star for making 1st in the Cestus banner comp

Rage Maki -Crescent w/ Sapphire Star for making 1st in the Cestus charakter history comp.

Congratulation to you all, our awards are well deserved, keep up the good work.

That concludes my report, thank you for the patience if you read all of it, I always want to make really short reports but somehow I always end up with one in the size of the Lord of the Rings :-P

                                                                            In Deep Respect   


                                                                                Gelton Torr  

(§§§§§§ {[]}§)(((::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-

OW Gelton Torr (0belisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: INI]


"Shadow is my Armor, Darkness is my SHield, Fear is my Sword"


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