Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report.



BattleLord Azazel Djo'Tarr.


G'Day guyz & gals!

This week has seen the rising of a new sun over the Brotherhood. KHP Mairin has been chosen as the new DGM!! More on this in the news section. This means that some more comps and projects will also be put into action. But as always you guys will be kept up to scratch with the latest news as it happens.

Anyways......i'm not gonna say to much now, so lets now go accross to the news office..........


For all the latest DB news and links, please visit - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

This is the 6 O'clock Kirleta News.........I'm me, i mean...OBL Azazel....Shuffles some blank papers

  1. NEW DGM!!! - With DJM Astatine now 'officialy' stepped down and gone, a new DGM has been chosen. Please everyone congratulate a long standing CSK member, and former KHP, DJM Mairin!! With Mairin as our DGM, there will be some old promises turned into action. Below is a short summary that was sent out by DGM Mairin.

Hi all.

For those of you who have not checked things out this morning, I'm the new DGM. I mentioned in my report that I would be in touch with you all to discuss plans and so on that I have for the future, so I would like to explain those in brief detail here. Then if you have anything further to add, or comments to make, then you can do so on this email thread and I can take everything you have to say into account.

1: Great Jedi War. I intend, as I said in my report, to have this ready to go by mid-January. Whilst I would rather run it sooner, I'm aware that over Christmas and the two Eids at least it's unlikely that a lot of people will be available, not to mention exams on return to school/college/university. Hopefully mid-January will give everyone time to settle down before the War cranks up. The likelihood is that I'll be looking at scheduling GJWs carefully to run every 6 months, one in January, one in July of every year. That way everyone will know what to expect and when to expect it.

2: Promotion Guidelines. I would like to standardise these across the board. I mentioned my reasons in my report. These will include, by the time I'm finished anyway, Guidelines for the promotion of Team Members, Team Leaders, House Summits, and Clan Summits. The Krath Summit section of these is already complete, and I have attached it for your perusal. The document is currently up with Firefox for approval.

3: Artefacts/Possessions. Once I have a new DGM website sorted, all artefacts as listed in the document attached will be listed on that site as a log of what the Brotherhood possesses. If the list for your Clan/House is incorrect, you must tell me now. Once the website is live, I'm not going to run around adding and changing things just because people forgot to notify me of things. I think the only Clans that should be changed should be Arcona, Tarentum and Naga Sadow, so you should please let me know which ships you now have and the new names that were decided for them. Other Clans that have changed or altered possessions for whatever reason will need to notify me. I will also be considering allowing members to have personal artefacts based on performance in competitions that are either Order or DB wide. These would most likely be logged on the DC comments in a member's profile, but also on the DGM site once it's complete.

4: Project Thallium. I'd quite like to have your opinions on this before going ahead with completing it. To my mind there are a lot of loose ends still needing to be tied up, and I'm of the opinion that the focus of the DB is still on the House and Clan, not on the Battleteam. I am of the opinion that Thallium was a good idea, and has merit, but like I said, you're the people on the ground that work this whole thing, so it's your job to tell me what you think of it before I go ahead and start finalising things on this front.

5: Summit Evaluations. I'll be coming up with a proposal shortly about all the things I think you guys ought to be doing as Summits to earn your promotions and your awards. This will tie in strongly with Evaluations, which will be on the basis of how many competitions you run, your own performance as leaders, the performance of House Summits beneath you, the general activity of your Clan, the timeliness of your reports and the updatedness of your websites. These will be done every month, they will be done in private to each Clan Summit, and there will be no public shaming. What you do well, will be rewarded, what you do badly, will be pointed out for improvement. No more, no less. I rely on the fact that you each and every one of you are aware of the responsibility you take on when you take on a Clan. I rely on the fact that you are all aware how much work needs to go into making those Clans good places to be in, and I rely on the fact that such knowledge (and regular rewards for work well done) will encourage you far more than harsh words and rudeness. Tell me if I'm wrong. ;)

6: DC-Clan Summit Interrelations. I've heard an awful lot of complaints in my time about the DC interfering in the leadership of Clans. You should all be aware, here and now, that it is not my intention to interfere in the running of any Clan, where I believe that that Clan is well run. You all have yet to show me what manner of leaders you are, as I have not had to deal with most of you before now on this level. We have a learning curve to climb together, and I hope you all feel comfortable enough to tell me to back off if I get too nosey. Yes, sometimes even I need to be told when to stop. ;) This is your chance to tell me what your issues are with the DC so-say "interfering" and whether you have a solution to the issue.

7: Clan Mail Lists. I should be on these for purposes of Summit Evaluation and so I know what's going on inside your Clans. You have my word there won't be a peep out of me, so you pretty much won't even know I'm there.

8: It has been suggested to me that the AoC be revived as a viable enterprise. I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on that as well.

9: Competitions should be coming through me for approval. Yes, this will be manual at the moment. I would like to ask that you remind your House Summits that they should cc you on any competition request they send to me. They should also cc Shadonyx, as should you. This is so that he is aware of the competition and the medals it intends to award before the medals are actually awarded. Repeat: competitions come through ME, nobody else. I aim at a turn-around on competition requests of no more than 48 hours, but more likely to be 24. Competition Approval Requests should be clearly marked in the subject line, and you MUST remember your ID line cause I'm not going to hunt on the database for email addresses. :P

I think that's pretty much it for this mail... mammoth as it is. :P

I'll look forwards to hearing from all of you with regards to it shortly.


Fideliter, Integriter, Digniter

Mairin Astoris

Dark Jedi Master, Deputy Grand Master

Rear Admiral, Commodore of the ISD-II Challenge

Remember to send any comp idea's you may have to DGM Mairin for approval. She will be working on the new DGM site so you can do this. Take note on the subject of the Great Jedi War, this is something that WE as a House need to work towards and prepare for.

  1. JO Tournaments in #Obelisk - Be sure you do check the DB's main news page, there is a important announcment for all Obelisk on the matter of weekly comps. Things seem to be coming back to normal. I hope that some of you will now work towards that next promotion, and some more medals ;)

3. Transfers - I am not one for holding someone back here........but for goodness sake, don't transfer out saying to the MAA that ' I have heard that blah blah blah is more active and run more comps' <

thats quite possibly the lamest excuse i have ever seen.....and i have seen quite a few!! If you want something to do then mail either your SGT, the AED or myself. We'll point you in the right direction! THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING TO DO! AND COMPS TO TAKE PART IN!! Don't be idle and expect these things to come to you, if you want them, then go get them. I did'nt become the QUA of Kirleta by moaning and doing nothing.......i worked for this position. So, for weekly comps goto mIRC channel - #obelisk. Someone will let you know when the next comp is on. You can get practice also on the CSK server, mail OW Gryffon for details and the password.

  1. Promotions and medals - Well....Waza came up with the idea tonight on mIRC of handing out some promo's on his Birthday, January 31st. Which i have consented too. So between now and then everyone is being monitored for their activity and communication. The more you do, the more likely you will be promoted.

Medals - I will be discussing some awards for the more active amougnst you tomorrow with OBM Waza. This will be the normal process for all medal recs from now on. If needs be, the Brigade SGT's will be inculded also if required so they can give some input into the members activity if they know something that might effect the decision. Under no circumstances are medals to be awarded unless it has been approved by either myself and OBM Waza. Make sure we're made aware of what this trooper is being rec'd for and why. We need to know before you submit it, and not after. I trust you to use your common sense here gents to let me know.

  1. AWOL Check - Coming soon enough......you'll have to wait. I have not made up my mind as to when i am gonna spring it on you guys. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, who knows. But this will make sure that the alert and those how read my reports word for word stay in the House.

House Activity.


None this week. :(


CFx2 - DJK Reza


Crescent w/Ruby Star (R) - DJK Reza


None this week :(



ACO CSFAce to Rogue.



AED Report 11/16/02

1)Hey all got to the message board some time,


2) use the mail group to talk to each


3)stay tuned for the details of the Dec. comp

which are being worked out now, it'll be another cool



OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto, GC/(SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BN)/(CFx3)/CoL

"One shall stand ,,,,,, one shall fall"

Klux Martin Jedi Knight

Bubba the hutt(I'll fill in the rest when the Fringe page is updated)

Respectfully Submitted.

ENV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility.

SSx3/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Tie Shadow -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,


LG/HNR Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg {DGA-Core} {PC} {PL}(MoPx4)

"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est."


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