Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #10 (2002.11.21) Summary

      Type: Tetrarch Report Summary  

      Date: Thursday, 21 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report" align="center">Summary of Tetrarch Report #10 (2002.11.21)</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">Greetings and salutations! I'm back from leave, this time for good methinks. Or at least it will be a while before I go on leave again, if I have any say in the matter. Hmph. Anyway, here's my report -- or a summary thereof, if you wish to deem it such -- and I hope to see some results because of it soon.</p>

 <p class="report">Activities:</p>

 <p class="report">[Krath Combat Center]( -- I keep reiterating this. Sign up and challenge me! I will fight every last one of you to prove my mettle and to test yours. On another note battle each other. It will be quite helpful to write battle scenes about another character other than your own if you study that person beforehand, and it saves on consultation.</p>

 <p class="report">[Neverending Run-On]( -- Again, this seems to have died. Does anyone have an idea for resurecting it? Starting our own? Drop me a line via mailing list and let's start throwing some stuff around, shall we?</p>

 <p class="report">[Journal Run-On]( -- We're getting off to a slow start, but it is understandable with our characters' situations at the moment that their minds are not focused on writing in their journals as ordered to by their Tetrarch, however I would like to start seeing some entries put up soon. Myself, Talons, Ktulu and Mako have already begun participation, and I hope to see activity from the rest of you soon. I highly recommend keeping a hard copy of it handwritten someplace rather than having it solely on the computer. Let's start a new tradition, my Tyros, because, after all, good groups need solid traditions to stand by!</p>

 <p class="report">[Promotion Requirements]( -- Some of you are very close to promotion and I hope that by the end of this month one -- or more -- of you are ready for promotion. Jerroth, Mako, you both are very close. I sincerely hope to have the honor of recommending your promotions by my next report, if not actually getting your new robes in for them!</p>

 <p class="report">Competitions:</p>

 <p class="report">[Krath Monthly Topics]( -- The details for these can be found on the Dark Brotherhood holosite on the news page if you go about a month back. Though Mairin is now the Deputy Grand Master it is my understanding that we should still submit our entries for November to her. Also, please CC me on all entries to competitions outside the Phyle. It lets me know you're actually doing something!</p>

 <p class="report">Murder Mystery League II -- We're awaiting to results for the last round, as well as the next mystery we are to solve. I expect to see /everyone/ participating in this next round, and I myself will be no exception. I want to see participation from all of you, or I'd better have a damn good reason as to why not.</p>

 <p class="report">[Dark Allegiance: Phase III]( -- This seems to be getting well under way. The deadline is this Sunday, and thusfar it seems that most of us will be able to get on around noon EST and after. I hope to see some more input on this soon so we can finalize at least a rough time that everyone can come together to figure out the final post for this run-on before we begin Phase IV.</p>

 <p class="report">[November Monthly Fiction Topic]( -- This month's topic is "Resolution". Talons has already submitted his piece, and I look forward to reading everyone elses as soon as they send me theirs. Hint.</p>

 <p class="report">Miscellaneous:</p>

 <p class="report">October Monthly Topic -- I finally got everything read and graded! Ktulu came in first and Talons second. Unfortunately there was not a third entry, so we do not have anyone taking third place. Still, congratulations to you both, your medals are in the mail! They were both great works of fiction and I hope to see more from everyone.</p>

 <p class="report">[Monthly Poll]( -- Because I have _yet_ to get feedback on this poll it's staying up another month. I truly value your input, Tyros, as I cannot come up with competitions and activities everyone can participate and be happy in unless you give me something to work with. So, go vote and then post in the message board topic to give me further details, or even drop a live via the mailing list. I just want input!</p>

 <p class="report">Activity Requirements -- I have decided that since far too many people are lounging around for the good of the Phyle that I must place requirements for activity in order for every Tyro to be allowed to remain. They are not harsh, but here they are: I expect each Tyro to participate in the Journal Run-On at least once a week, preferably with several entries from that week, rather than just one so as to be obeying the Tetrarch's command, and at least one submission to a Phyle competition per month. That's right, Phyle. House/Clan/Order activities are all well and good, but contribution to the Phyle is mandatory for you to maintain a hold on that spot you currently claim. Any questions are to be directed to myself or Talons.</p>

 <p class="report">Narrative Reports -- Well, we've been behind for a while, but now all the narrative reports for the Phyle are caught up and are posted on the Ebon Cloak holosite as well as the official Brotherhood holosite. Feel free to peruse them at your lesiure, as you may find some interesting things in them.</p>

 <p class="report">Communication -- I'm pleased to say that everyone one of you -- with the exception of Acolyte Adian Pryde -- are in direct communication with me. In other words you have all decided to talk to me! Yay! I really don't bite and I appreciate one-on-one conversation with all of you. I want us to be a close-knit group, and we truly must be if we are to survive up against another Phyle if we truly wish to have a competition against them. Everyone should have the screen names of all the Tyros, and if not pester me and I'll give them to you. I want us all talking via live methods, not just email. And role play a little while you're at it!</p>

 <p class="report">That's pretty much it this week. I'm pleased to say things are picking up finally and we're starting to gain some momentum. I'll just have to keep pushing you all until you start running is all. I look forward to reporting next week, as I imagine I'll have quite a few good things to announce then, seeing as everyone's being active! Farewell, my brethren!</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira]( (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>

</td> </tr> </table>

<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Dark Hand Report #4 (2002.11.21) Summary

      Type: Dark Hand Report Summary  

      Date: Thursday, 21 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Talons Pryde](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report" align="center">Summary of Dark Hand Report #4 (2002.11.21)</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">Here is my next report and enjoy the summary:

 </p><p class="report">LoA's:


 <p class="report">Returns:

Erryc has returned

Tirna has returned</p>

 <p class="report">Transfers:

None Found</p>

 <p class="report">New Members:


 <p class="report">Medals:


 <p class="report">Activity:

Erryc - On-line Presense via e-mail

Talons - On-line Presense/Mailing List/Phase III

Ktulu - On-line Presense/Mailing List/Phase III

Adian - On-line Presense/Mailing list

Mako - On-line Presense/Phase III

Jerroth - On-line Presence/Working on his assignments...</p>

 <p class="report">Emphasis note: Phase III needs to be finished by the end of the week. Ktulu has sent out the current plans for our postings. Let us get some recognition.</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Talons Pryde]( (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Dark Hand of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"Beware the shadows for they move when you are not looking."</p>

</td> </tr> </table>

<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #10 (2002.11.21)

      Type: Tetrarch Report  

      Date: Thursday, 21 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report">It was early morning on Ba'fel, during her watch, when the Tetrarch of Ebon Cloak finally found that moment of peace in which to dictate her report back to the House Summit at Osiris. With a wary look about her she shifted slightly, quite aware of what danger a careless move could put them in. Gingerly she extracted her recorder and settled back against the wall, her voice low as she spoke into the small mic.</p>

 <p class="report">"Galactic Standard Date 20021121: Talons has awoken. We have made our way into the Kellackian's warren and are working our way slowly downward toward the sixth chamber. Progress is harried at best. The Kellackians do not give up easily, and we are but students in the Force, not masters as they. Still, we survive..."</p>

 <p class="report">She shifted slightly, a loose rock clinking down a dark tunnel, much to Tirna's chagrin. "I expect to make our goal by 20021124.2359 at the latest. I will not go this far only to have the mission fail because we could not complete our objectives in time. Their wounds are healing, though many will require a long session in a bacta tank upon our return." She paused then, sighing softly as she wondered: _Is it worth it?_</p>

 <p class="report">She continued then, wrapping up her report. "Aside from that I have little to report. I will send this transmission off now, and hope that from the depths of this cave that it has sufficient strength to reach far enough to properly transmit the signal of this broadcast. That is all." And with that she shut the recorder off and quickly transmitted the signal, the sound of quiet footsteps growing near...</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira]( (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>

</td> </tr> </table>

<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Dark Hand Report #4 (2002.11.21)

      Type: Dark Hand Report  

      Date: Thursday, 21 November, 2002  

      Update by: **[Talons Pryde](

</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">

 <p class="report">Talons looked around. They were late in getting planet side and had a bad crash. He was not feeling very well and had a few things in the works. The previous week had him out of it with no information to go by. Technical problems abounded and he was not doing very well. They were on planet and still a ways away from the target zone.</p>

 <p class="report">"Erryc returns from the dead, so to speak," he began slowly. "Aside from that, we have a mission to do. Our time is running short. Let us get to our main objective. Our time index is 20021121 and we need to be there and in position by 20021124.2359. Failure to do so will result in a mission failed. Do not fail us, my fellow tyros. We need to work together in this. Ktulu, you are with me." Ktulu nodded and drew his light saber. "Mako, watch the back. Erryc, Adian, you have the flanks. Tirna," he looked to the beautiful and stunning Tetrarch, "defer your authority to me for the remainder of this mission. My direct tactical knowledge will keep us alive." Talons did not wait for an answer but nodded directly to Ktulu.</p>

 <p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](</p>

 <p class="report">GRD [Talons Pryde]( (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco]( of [Scholae Palatinae](


Dark Hand of Ebon Cloak Phyle

"Beware the shadows for they move when you are not looking."</p>

</td> </tr> </table>

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