OHC Report


OHC Report

Hey all time (belatedly) for the Report.. I'm keeping it a bit shorter this time so you may all rejoice.

  1. Newest M:OHC is (insert drum roll) Raistlin. I am truly sorry to all others but this was VERY difficult as SO many of you were TOP notch applicants. It's my hope that those not chosen for this particular job will still lend their considerable talents to the Obelisk Order.

  2. WoW will be cranking up... I DONT intend for us to catch the one starting on the 6th. It's just too soon but in the mean time.. everyone get registered on battlestats.com if you havent already.

  3. ALL Tourney Hosts... I need to get all on going tourneys accounted for so if you host a Tourney.. Email me ASAP with your info, the info for your backup hosts, times and dates, etc.

  4. Last but not least, I have decided to slightly delay the honor banner conecpt. I will be taking suggestions on what form this banner/award should take and in fact had considered a contest for the best idea... but yack at me yall.. lemme know what yall think and we will go from there.

Ok, yall made it.. I is done!
OW Redneck, OHC

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