Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report.



OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr.


G'day Pop pickers!

Ok, seems the House is getting to be more focused, more people are taking my advice and looking into these courses. Folks i advise you take the courses that i put you down for asap. And i am refferring to the mail i sent out mid week last week. It'd be nice to see each one of you with the O:Core after you name. If you wish to you all can also do the DB Leadership exam also. This is what you need to take in order to be a effective leader. It helps get you geared up for what lays ahead as a QUA/AED.

I have some important things to say in the news section, and i also want some feedback on one or two of the announcements, but i'll let you know which ones ;))


Ok as you know, for your totaly top tastic top up of news of boo's please visit - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp .......... Not half mate!

  1. House Communication - This past week i have had both the CON & PCON talking about House comminique's with me, especialy on the subject of the mail group. I just want to say something from the hear here peeps........please please PLEASE, do be afraid to say anything over the mailing list about needing help or expressing any comp idea's. As your head summit i would like to see this as much as possible. For a team to work well as a team, communication is at the core of any machine. Also any of your thoughts on comps or even comp reminders would be a grand bonus, arrange matches and training is also encouraged. Run-on's a bonus and always something welcome to pass the time. So i may start one soon, unless someone else wants a bash at it?? ;))

  2. House Feud - Alvaak vs Dorimad Sol vs Kirleta - Now i wanted to ask you guys about this first off, ahead of the GJW in mid January, before i go into my own rant of personal veiws to bore yer nutts off, i just would like to point out who the QUA of Dorimad Sol is. OW Ric Gravin, former SGT of Vashino, mailed me today with this mail -


I would like to propose a Feud between our three houses. Alvaak, Dormad Sol and Kirleta. in a 1 month Feud using JK II and JK Outcast. If there are any other idea's or things you would like to add to the Feud, go a head and reply to all.

OW Ric Gravin (Obelisk)/QUA/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae DC/Cr-1S/CF

FL/LT Ric Gravin/Valkyrie 2-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf ISMx2/LoC/OV-3E {IWATS-AIM-IIC/1-M/1-SM/2/3}

Now i'm up for it myself, and i see this as a test infront of the impending GJW to test their chances against 2 other Houses so OW Ric can asses his Houses chances at winning the GJW. I PERSONALY wanna tan his hide! But i cannot take on the whole of Dorimad Sol myself. And to boot, Alvaak aswell. He may see our House as one of the weakest in the Obelisk order. But i would like us to show the rest of the Obelisk that we are anything but! Ranked as the #2 House i'm sure if we all pulled together we could nail these two houses and shake their hopes for victory in the GJW. What do you guys think? Are you ready for another feud? Do you want another feud?

I need feedback on this before i answer......and i would like to see as many of you participate in this as possible, i don't need to remind you that this is like a matter of pride and honour to me as the QUA of this house. And i want you guys to hold your head up high and share that pride with me also as members of this great House. So please get back to me with your thoughts so i can reply honestly.

  1. Training Nights - I witnessed a great thing last night, i saw a member who i have rarely seen on mIRC, come on and play his SGT in 3 matches and earn a promo rec from me. So for the rest of you, this should be a fine example of what you guys should all be doing when you can during the week and give a little input into the House, it gets noticed and goes along way. The more active part you take, the more you get noticed, more medals, more recognition and also promo's can be earned.

From now on i want monthly reports from my SGT's as a form of 'Update' so each Battleteam can be evaluated for battle readiness for feuds etc. What to include.

  1. Team comminication - whose been in touch, who have you tried to reach, who could talk the ass off a Donkey....lol...jk.

  2. Matches played - against which member of the team - screen shots?

  3. Any comp idea's - either from the SGT or even some of the members.

  4. Medal/promo recs - your own evaluation of the members of your battleteam so both myself and OBM Waza can look into these and discuss them.

Use your intiative on these reports. I do want one from each of you at the end of the month. If not then i'll want to know why. Class this as 'important' feedback for me from your points of veiw of your respective battleteam.

  1. Preperation for the GJW - The Buildup - On a House level for this kind of comp, i think, hand on my heart, we're not ready. The bare truth is that we do not have enough presence as a House either on mIRC or at the comps. From now on at the end of each month, as i stated, the Battleteam leaders will be evaluating you guys on overall activity and giving me their thoughts. Now the downside is 3 strikes and your out policy that i want to bring in. In other words 3 bad report and you are sent packing. Now you may sit there and say 'Whoah! Thats not fair!!!' But, for one moment put yourself in my shoes as a QUA. My idea is to have the #1 Obelisk House in the DB, and make the name Kirleta one to be feared for our MP prowess.....i cannot do this if nobody will take part. Thats why i am forced to up the auntie so to speak for House membership. Now i am aware of the Christmas thing, and i'll be doing a special Christmas report, but after that, no more Mr.Nice Guy. As 2003 dawns, so does a new era for this House. Next year i strive to be #1, not just the top house but also as the top Obelisk QUA in the DB. But i need your help to get there.........and then i'll make my own tracks and let someone else have a turn as QUA of this House. But as i said.....the important thing is the team aspect that makes winners. You don't win a football match on the performance of just one man.......it's the team that wins, and the manager gets a pat on the back for it. Therefore the whole team becomes Hot property!! :D

So endeth the news.........

House Activity.


GRD Markr - DJH


CF to DJK Reza

(one to DJH Markr but he stated that this should've been awarded to ACO Exodius, this is pending response and action)




NOV Osra - Obelisk Basic training.

(Promo coming)

Thats it from me for this week..........sorry Waza for doing my report a day early this week.....but i thought it was Saturday for some unknown reason! I blame my Fiance myself for having a day off and throwing me off balance!! Hehe.....

Until next time......stay focused.........stay hungry ;))


ENV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility.

SSx3/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Tie Shadow -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,


LG/HNR Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg {DGA-Core} {PC} {PL}(MoPx4)

"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est."


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