Consul Report


Consul Report


SBL Jeff Loruss Reporting in for Clan Taldryan

Report # 30






5>SA Test Results-


7>CONSUL’s Thoughts


In the latest news for Clan Taldryan Ekktrosis has brought a seriously big can of Whoop Arse to MML2- I would like to personally say AWESOME!!! You Ekkiites need to keep this up. Maybe even push a bit harder to win your hose feud. From what I hear you may be able to win by taking the Run-on Portion of the COMP!!

I would also like to state for the Record that if anyone in the Clan has an idea a general complaint and or rant rave or anything else my proverbial door is always open. Please also remember to gripe up the chain of command unless you either can’t talk to the person you have a prob with or if it deals directly with the house summit.

In other news sources state that While PCON Shar thought he had reliable input from his spies that Tiger is actually a Female he was proven wrong today as he was caught in his private quarters when an unnamed informer mine to be exact caught him cross dressing!! Lets see how many people will read our reports next time Shar :P

In other news Ziggy was seen in the Clan Commons showing off his skillz as a Donkey used to plow the Clan Garden!!!

Here is a direct Quote from the Commons while it was going on.

  • peer-gone has joined #taldryan

[00:03] ••• peer-gone has 2 kicks / 0 bankicks (F7 for info / F10 to clear)

[00:03] * X sets mode: +o peer-gone

[00:03] <coranel> wb

[00:10] <`Tiger> he's gone COR he won't respond :P

[00:10] <`Tiger> but at least you can be happy lying at his feet on the floor again :P

[00:11] <coranel> lol

[00:12] <peer-gone>

[00:12] <peer-gone> I look so sexy with hooks in my back :D

[00:12] <coranel> lol

[00:15] <`Tiger> GOOD LORD!!!!!! :P

[00:15] <coranel> heh

[00:16] <`Tiger> my eyes just melted from my head!!!! :P

TCC is in the second half of this run please go sign up and play!!!

/me taps the monitor TAP TAP TAP TAP!!!!! PCON Shar has asked for Graphics!!! I know there are some of you guys that can do this so as the Nike slogan says Tally just do it!!!!

One final note that I would like to state. Recently I was in a channel called #OuterRim. In there is a COMP that runs most of the weekend. The Rebel Squadrons were totally razzing the Dark Jedi saying that we suck at anything relating to Flying and or JK skillz. So I would really really like to see Tally get in there and own there collective Arses.

Anyone that does do this will earn points towards a medal for confirmed CF’s relating to this COMP!!

Please also remember that I would like to see the house RM’s adding and deleting members as they come and go to the Clan E-group.

<2-Joins Parts /AWOL‘s>

Requesting Member: ACO Trowa (Sith)

Name changed to: Trowa Saris

APP Haste black (Krath)/Rogue

SW Azazel (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Battle Team Apocalypse Squadron

Transfering To: House Archanis NNOO!!! It can’t be AZ is back :P Welcome back AZ!!! J

Rexal Qel also Returns to the Clan!!!! W00t!!!


Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)

New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)

Old Rank: Protector (PRT)

New Rank: Guardian (GRD)

With Rexal Qel returning to service with Clan Taldryan he is also the new QUA of Archanis CONGRATS!!!!!


Cluster of Fire-

List of winners by week since starting-

NOV Phr00t-1

DJK Destoval Gin-1

GRD Acidic-1

ACO Shaithis-4

DJK Incandescence-1

Weekly awards-

DJK Incandescence (Obelisk)-2

PRT Shaithis (Obelisk)-1

WOW!!! I am shocked Shaithis didn’t win this week. This week it goes out to Incandescence.!!! So he gets to say NAH NAH!!!! CONGRATS!!

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)

Requested for: KAP Bubbles (Krath)

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: DJK Coranel Both (Krath)

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: KP Reaper MacDougall (Krath)

Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)

Requested for: KE Alanna (Krath)

<5-SA Test Results>

Shadowhawk (Sith), this message is to inform you that you have passed the

Sith Basic Studies Course.


ACC- Archanis Combat Consortium- We have started a new two month run please go sign up and for those new to it make sure to read the rules J

This URL will be staying the same , and also JKII has been added to the list of games to be played. These medals have recently been changed. they are now.

Those being

1st place- Crescent W/Amethyst Star (Cr-1A)

2nd place- Crescent W/Sapphire Star (Cr-1S)

3rd place- Crescent W/Emerald Star (Cr-1E)

Scavenger Hunt-

Hunt #1- Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #2-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #3- Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #4- DJK Kermee

Hunt #5-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #6-DJK Powerslave

Hunt #7-Ehart Dak`wind

Hunt #8-Kevin Pryde

Hunt #9-GRD Angelus

Hunt#10-Coranel Both

Hunt #11-Coranel Both

Hunt #12-DJK INcandescence

Hunt #13-DJK Incandescence

Yes that’s right he got it two weeks in a row!! Congrats!!

Hunt #14- This hunt might be a bit different- I want the URL to where this Quote can be found. I also want the name of the person that quoted it.

Hey all!! Sign up for the new season of the TCC:

<7-CONSUL‘s Thoughts>

Hmm this report was interesting to say the least hope you all enjoyed it :P

Keep up the awesome work!!!!

SBL Jeff Loruss(Sith)/CON/Clan Taldryan


Former Sith Academy Instructor- {SA:DfSS}

Former P:SHW


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