Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

1: Competition Approval comes through me. I have a hard time believing that all the competitions coming through my inbox are the only ones running in the DB. Remember, if your competition is not improved, you may not award medals for it.

2: I've just completed my first ever Clan Report Evaluations. I have to say that overall I'm pleased with the standard that has become apparent. Whilst there is room for improvement in most areas, I'm confident that these improvements will be made.

3: Houses that haven't sent me their promotion guidelines yet, should do so, or at the very least notify me that they do not have guidelines (assuming that you don't). If you don't send them in then your input is likely to be minimal on the standard set of guidelines that I will be producing soon.

4: Recommending promotions means going through the correct channels. House Summits may promote to Priest/Warrior, Clan Summits to Archpriest/Battlemaster, and thereafter all promotions must be requested by your Order Leaders on the recommendation of your Clan Summits. If you do not follow this protocol, for whatever reason, promotions can and will be denied by the Master at Arms.

5: GJW is still in planning. Missions are currently being made, I believe, and the second part of it is being more fully planned out by our ever-lovely SHW.

6: I have appointed a Praetor, KAP Sith Bloodfyre. Sithie has lots of good ideas, and makes a great bouncing board, which is exactly what I need, which is why I've selected him. As I do not need further assistance within the DGM office at the moment, I have removed both members who were previously my Magistrates from the roster. Please don't mail me asking for a job as a Magistrate as I do not require any. Thanks!

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