Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

This report is slightly late due to some carousing last night on the account of a friend's birthday and the Thanksgiving holiday.

The most important announcement I have this week is that based on member feedback and consultation with my Praetor and the Grand Master, I am dissolving the Medal/Mark of Communication as an official Dark Brotherhood award. As many have pointed out, the MoC is a medal that can be abused, and such abuse can only be prevented by creating tedious guidelines. The Scroll of Indoctrination will remain, and I hope that more members will begin to recruit.

Please remember to send all competition approval requests to myself and DGM Mairin. In the Subject line, if you could put your name (i.e., DA Shadonyx) it would help me immensely in sorting all the e-mails I receive in regards to competitions.

That's all for this week. As I am not on my PC at the moment, I don't have a list of this week's medals. Sorry!

Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn

Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood

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